Page 24 - Yearbook
P. 24

L     argy college class of 2020                                       T   o the class of 2020 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you
                                                                                                 all for the past 6 years in Largy college. Our journey ended quicker
                                                                                                 than we expected, but we are so lucky to have made so many
                                           our  time in  Largy is                        amazing memories together which we will remember forever.  Entering 1st
                           done but the memories we                                    year, we were so nervous and did not know what to expect. Our bags weighed
                        have made will last a lifetime!                                                                              as we rushed to each class. But as
                                                                                                                     us down
                  You may have been lucky enough to                                                                  time progressed, we settled in very well. I
                have met people you’ll call friends for                                                              think its safe to say that 6 years has went
                  life and others who you may just say                                                               by far too fast. But the saying is true that
                  hello to on the street, but no matter                                                              time flies when you are having fun. We
               what, I’m so glad that I was in this year                                                             shared so many laughs along the way that
                group! Guys please never let a bad day                                                               allowed us to create a bond as a year group.
                 or a bad time take you down, if we’re                                                               4th year provided us with an abundance of
                  blessed with good health , we have a                                                               opportunities that enabled us to get to know
               full life ahead of us and each day brings                                                             each other better and work on amazing
                 a new lesson! I’d encourage you all to                                                              projects. 6th year is one we will never forget.
              avoid focusing on the flaws of the world,                                                              We finished school on the 12th of March
                  if you look for bad things you’ll find   Eva Newell, Head prefect 2020                             without realising that it was our last day at
                 them, but seek the good in other people. It makes everything a lil’           Jenny Freeman,        Largy. We never expected things to turn out
                 easier! I want you all to                     know that you are              Deputy prefect 2020    the way they did. I think that Dr Seuss is right
               valued humans with a                                 purpose and                                      in saying that, “Sometimes you will never
                 that I’ll be praying                                for you all!      know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”
              Don’t let the worldly                                     pressure                                                                                                       I would like to thank
                tell you where you                                  should be or       Miss Magennis and Mr. Killen and all the staff and Largy College for their
                what you should be                                  doing , ever,      hardwork and support over the past 6 years. Also, a huge thank you to Mr.
                 your life is yours, it                           doesn’t belong       Deery and our deputy yearheads for their help and guidance. It is really
                  to the world. Anyway,                               Enjoy life,      appreciated. As we move on to the next chapter in our journey, I wish you all
               wherever it takes you! I wish you                all the very best.     the absolute best of luck in the future. Challenges will come our way but the
                                                                                       friendships we have made ensures that we are never alone. Believe in yourself
                                                                                       and your potential is endless. Always remember to shoot for the moon and
                                                                                       even if you miss, you will land among the stars.

               Thank you to our 6th year and LCA 2 prefect committee for their persistent hard work this year. We may not have gotten the chance to go on
                    our annual prefect bonding trip, or up town for a mouth-watering Cúil Darrach dinner, but an extended summer isn’t too far short.
                       Eva Newell, Jenny Freeman, James Donaghy, Finn Anderson, Jason Lynch, Paul Duffy, Emma Corley, Kelly Conway, Claire McGorman.
                       Eva Newell, Jenny Freeman, James Donaghy, Finn Anderson, Jason Lynch, Paul Duffy, Emma Corley, Kelly Conway, Claire McGorman.Eva Newell, Jenny Freeman, James Donaghy, Finn Anderson, Jason Lynch, Paul Duffy, Emma Corley, Kelly Conway, Claire McGorman.
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