Page 4 - Yearbook
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A Message From Our Year
I hope this message finds you all well and in good Head wonderful job as Head and Deputy prefect.
spirits as you embark on a summer, free from the A final thank you to school management,
stress of sitting the Leaving Cert examinations. It has Ms Magennis and Mr Killen for their solid
been a strange and challenging time for all of you and those challenges make you the individuals you are guidance and committed leadership. Looking
your families with the arrival of a global pandemic today. Much has been learned through your educa- to the future, I wish you success and content-
that altered the course of everyday life for billions of tional experience in Largy College. The development ment in the choices you make and may you
people. Thankfully, you have come through it – and of new skills - academic, social, sporting, cultural, be blessed with good health to enjoy a long
that is testament to your patience and resilience at a while nurturing the values of hard work, honesty, and happy life. Never give up on your ambi-
time of adversity. compassion, empathy and integrity. These are the tions, persevere, and believe in your ability
foundation stones of future success. You are a tal- to succeed. To finish, I’ll leave you with a
As I reflect on the past six years, I think back to that ented year group, both individually and collectively. famous quote that may be useful in times
Saturday in March 2014, when you sat the entrance While some have yet to show or discover their true ahead. . . “. . grant me the serenity to accept
tests. I remember a feeling of positivity when you potential, you have time and opportunity in the years the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to
arrived – always a plus when looking forward to the ahead to explore and develop new skills in areas that CHANGE the things I CAN, and the wisdom
next six years! Soon, we had our induction day and suit your strengths and interests. My advice – follow to know the difference.”
finally, the first day in uniform and the school all to your interests and aptitudes, that is where you will be
yourselves, for one whole day! (some were probably most fulfilled.
thinking “ wouldn’t it be great if it was like this all of Mr J. Deery
the time”) That was a special day and one that set the I hope that you will reflect positively on your time
tone for what followed in the subsequent years. in school, learn from the experiences both good
and bad, and most of all cherish the memories and
As you progressed through the years, staff would friendships formed. On behalf of your teachers,
continually comment how well behaved you were as thank you for the memories and the achievements,
a year group - easy to get along with and just gener- in all facets of school life and beyond – your
ally “nice”. Visiting speakers were fulsome in their contribution to Largy College will be fondly
praise of how attentive and respectful you were in remembered. Thank you to the parents/guardians of
talks/assemblies. You were great role models to other all sixth year and LCA students, for the support over
students and year groups, courteous and respectful the years, it was greatly appreciated. A special thanks
to staff and peers alike - a fact that made me particu- to Deputy Year Heads, Ms E. Smith, Ms Lyons and
larly proud to be associated with you. For many of Ms Cumiskey, who have served you well over the
you there have been challenges along the way and the years. To Eva and Jenny, congratulations for doing a
manner in which you have dealt with