Page 3 - April Newsletter 2022
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      Ice Cream Social
              The ice cream social took place on the 23rd of March. During the event we had so many people attend due to free ice cream! There were also DIY crafts during the event. We were also giving out goodies that day. In fact, we ran out!
Spring Fest 2022
Lastly, spring fest occurred on 24th March. This took place in Campus Pointe, off campus. The turnout for this event was amazing. Music, dancing, you name it. Spring spirit really is near!
April Events Coming Up
1st - Scavanger Hunt
4th - International Coffee Hour
17th - Easter
18th - Tax Day, Fall 2022 registration opens
19th - International Coffee Hour 26th - International Coffee Hour
        11th-15th - Spring Break !!!!!!!!

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