Page 6 - April Newsletter 2021
P. 6

IBG Scavenger Hunt (In-Person and Virtual)
We, International Ambassadors, came up with a creative event called IBG Scavenger Hunt. Precautions will be taken during the time of the event. After signing up, more details will be provided through email in the next couple days. For those of you not in Fresno at the moment, don’t you worry as there will also be a virtual scavenger hunt! Virtual will be throughout the second week of April (Weekdays only).
Registration Link n4ewK35OX3eVXx9OCS_VJKScdF_A/viewform?usp=pp_url
International Coffee Hour
Join us every Tuesday from 4:00-5:00 PM as we discover the different cultures from our very own international students at Fresno State. Enjoy these afternoon sessions with a cup of coffee, tea, and cookies!
    In-Person IBG Scavenger Hunt Date- April 9th (Friday)
Time- 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Location- Fresno State main campus (Exact location TBD)
     Dates - April 6th - April 13th
- April 20th - April 27th
Time - 4pm wd=eU5tNlRISnQ5UWlHbDU5bUVRL211UT09

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