Page 55 - Chow LIfe - Winter 2018
P. 55

Choosing the Right Sire

                                                 by Dr. Carmen Battaglia
           It’s not the weight of the load that breaks you down,   The five most popular reasons used to select a sire
           it’s the way you carry it ~ L.Horne                  are listed:
                                                                1.  Convenience - proximity to the residence of the
           There are two reasons that will cause most people    bitch
           to hesitate when selecting a stud dog. The first is   2.  Cost - the economics, the cheapest stud dog
           the uncertainty of possible health problems and the
           other does not know if they will produce the traits   3.  Pedigree - number of champion ancestors
           that needed.                                         4.  Offspring produced – quality pups
           But regardless of the lack of information and these   5.  Ancestors/litter mates - known producers
           concerns, the selection of the right sire begins by   By themselves these reasons are not sufficient for
           knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the bitch    selecting a stud dog because no one of them can be
           to be bred.  If she has well over all conformation,   used to assess and evaluate the faults and virtues
           health and temperament the job of finding the        of the bitch. Cost, convenience and show records
           right sire is less difficult. If she has some good traits   are sometimes perceived as legitimate reasons
           and several faults, the job of finding the right one   by those who lack experience and knowledge.
           requires more research.                              The best search for the right stud dog always
           The selection process should begin with a clear      includes knowledge about his traits, health history,
           understanding of what is expected from the           temperament and the qualities seen in his offspring.
           breeding and what the bitch has to offer. Using      Geography and economics have nothing to do
           pedigree analysis techniques a breeder can learn     with his genetics or his ability to compliment the
           about the qualities and the lack of qualities in     strengths and offset the weaknesses of the bitch.
           her pedigree as well as those of each sire being     Once a list of 10 dogs has been developed, each
           considered.                                          dog should be checked against those traits and
           As soon as the strengths and weaknesses of the       characteristics, which are considered to be
           bitch are known, a list of stud dog candidates can   important to the breeding. Some of the traits might
           be developed. Start with a large number of good      be related to breed function such as sound hips,
           candidates. Ten may seem to be more than enough      temperament, size, strength etc. The diseases to
           but you will find that ten is not too many once you   be checked should be those that are specific to
           begin to check them out. Developing a list of 10     the breed. In the final analysis the ideal stud dog
           stud dogs begins by contacting breeders, handlers    should be one that can reasonably be expected to
           and judges who are knowledgeable about the breed.    compliment the strengths of the bitch and off set her
           This will take time so the search must begin several   faults or weaknesses.
           months before the bitch comes in heat. In gathering   Evaluating each stud dog must be systematic and
           information avoid using photos and advertisements.   include the careful examination of his pedigree
           Most are flattering and are not forth coming about   including the relationship of his ancestors to each
           problems. Most usually promise more than a stud      other. If there are common relatives in his pedigree
           dog can produce. As a general rule, one should be    that have produced serious health problems, poor
           cautious about those who recommend their own         temperaments or life threatening diseases, take
           dogs because of they have a vested interest in the   them off the list. When you are finished it is best
           matter.                                              to write down what is known about each pedigree
           The list candidates must be screened, sorted and     in a summary statement. Compare them to what
           then reduced to a smaller group, usually to only the   is needed to compliment the pedigree of the bitch.
           best 2 or 3. Experience teaches us that some will    This is a sorting process that will result in finding
           be better then others based on their appearance,     one or two candidates that have the best health
           quality of pedigree, health history, and offspring   histories, temperament, breed traits and progeny.
           produced. Selecting the best one is usually difficult   What you will discover is that the most popular
           because information about each of them will not be   sires will usually be the ones that have produced
           equally available. Generally speaking, there are five   more offspring then the others. There will also be
           reasons that explain why breeders select a particular  more information known about them and less
           stud dog.                                            about those used less often. In either case, as

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