Page 22 - Phra Achan Wan Museum
P. 22



                                                           Exercise  1

                          1. He  is  from  Chiang  Mai.
                          2. About  31  kilometers
                          3. They  raise  cows  and  silk  worms.

                          4. He  passed away  in  1980.
                          5. They  tell  people  to  be a good  person.
                          6. They  appeared  in  Saranard  District.

                          7. He  was  born  in  Ruminday.
                          8. They  believe  that  they  will  be  happy.
                          9. He  was  eighty  years  old.
                          10.  The  main  Buddha Image

                                                           Exercise  2

                                                             1. False
                                                             2. False

                                                             3. True
                                                             4. False
                                                             5. True

                                                             6. False
                                                             7. True
                                                             8. False

                                                             9. True
                                                             10. True
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