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           We understand you have a business                                          Whether it’s Ford, Ram, or Chevy
       to run and we also realize sometimes                                       trucks, Audi, Lexus or Lincoln executive
       you’re faced with the unfortunate ups and                                  vehicles or fleet sedans, Kahlig Auto Group
       downs of running it efficiently. The Kahlig                                can help you select the right vehicles and
       Auto Group’s FLEET ADVANTAGE can                                           programs to meet your unique business
       help you in many ways.                                                     needs.
           With Kahlig FLEET ADVANTAGE we                                         WE ALSO HAVE THE EXECUTIVE
       can provide your business with expert                                      ADVANTAGE, your short cut through the
       specialized care whether your needs                                        car buying process. We stock a complete
       are 1 vehicle, 100 vehicles or more. We                                    selection of luxury vehicles at our dealer-
       understand the importance of affordable,   Next Available Bay Advantage. Service Professionals   ships and can provide you with an off-site
                                             focused on fixing your vehicle right and fast.
       reliable transportation in your business.                                  transaction. Making it easy and stream-
       Our knowledgeable staff can service just                                   lined. All advantages for your business.
       about any business transportation need   WE CAN HELP YOU SAVE WITH
       for sedans, light or medium duty trucks.    UPFITTERS TOO.
           We provide our Fleet Customers with   Because of our large volume of busi-
       priority next available bay service with   ness, and our established relationships          Remember, we
       Service Professionals focused on fixing   with some of the best upfitters and truck         Pick Up & Deliver
       your vehicle right and fast, getting you   equipment manufactures around, we are            and provide
       and your business back on the road.   able to pass on significant savings to you.           Service Loaners
                                                                                                   for Executive Sales.
       READY TO HELP. GIVE US A CALL TODAY.                                                         FLEET

                      Contact Us  (210) 426-3306                                  AD      ANTAGE
                          Today!                                                  Your Service Advantage On the Road to Success

          Larry Brown
        Corporate Fleet Sales Manager
       Cell: (210) 859-1706

             eMail:  |  Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. or by appointment 24/7 Web:

  Fleet Advantage Advertorial.indd   1                                                                             9/7/17   2:15 PM
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