Page 11 - Parade of Homes 2017
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Parade Happenings

                                             May 2017  |  PARADE OF HOMES
                    Check out the

                   Home Product Tent

      Looking  to  buy  or  build  a  home?    Find  just  about
      everything  you  will  need  for  your  home,  from  financing   Visit Southerland communities on-site in the
      and mortgages to pools and spas to lighting or finding a          product tent to get information on lots for
      custom homebuilder or remodeler.                                      sale and all the amenities offered.
                                                                                Win A Car

                                                                Register to WIN a 2017 Volkswagen Jetta S
                                                                   courtesy of North Park Family of Dealerships.

                                              Canyons:    XPCabotOpen RegularOne lucky parade visitor will walk away
                                              ASL:    Oxida Regular
                                                                   with a new vehicle on Monday, May 29 at 4 pm.
                                                      29, 32, 100, 0     (WINNER PAYS TAX, TITLE, AND LICENSE)

                                    PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD

                                                         ADMIT ONE                                  People’s Choice Ballot
                                                            2  0  1  7                             Indicate Which House is Your Favorite.
                                                                                                     CHECK ONLY ONE BOX.
       Vote for your favorite home while touring         Parade of Homes  ENTRY FORM - PARADE AUTO SWEEPSTAKES  More than one check will void your vote.
                                                         Adult On-Site $13.00
                                                                      2017 Volkswagen provided by North Park Family of Dealers   1. Ashton Custom Homes
         each of the homes and enter it in the                                                       2. Genesis Custom Homes
                                                                                                     3. Dale Sauer Homes
             People’s Choice Ballot Box                               ADDRESS                        4. Japhet Builders
                                                        THE CANYONS AT SCENIC LOOP  CITY  STATE  ZIP   5. John Merritt Homes
                   before you leave.                    ADULT ON SITE  PHONE(DAY)    (EVE)           6. UrbanLUX Builders
                                                         TICKETS NON-REFUNDABLE                      7. Broll Homes
                                                          VALID FOR ONE-TIME                         8. Partners in Building
                                                          ADMITTANCE ONLY
                  In need of a serious update?

                                       Parade of Homes

       Tuesday, May 30          th            Furniture Sale                                    West Elm

           10 am - 2 pm                                                                  Joyeux Home Decor

           Parade Homes                                                                         The LOOK
                                                                                                 Fine Hill
        participating in the                                                               Country Furnishing
        furniture sale will be                                                             Catrina’s Ranch
          open exclusively                                                                      Interiors
          during this time.                                                               Khamila Furniture
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