Page 22 - Parade of Homes 2017
P. 22
Charity Home
The 2017 Charity Home will break ground on June 20, 2017
The Greater San Antonio Education Foundation HVAC, welding, and construction management. UTSA’s
(GSAEF), which is the charitable arm of the Greater San Construction Science Management Department offers
Antonio Builders Association (GSABA), is committed to a 4-year Bachelor’s of Construction Management.
supporting the education of the next generation of GSAEF is committed to reinforcing these two programs
homebuilders in the San Antonio area. Construction that produce local talent and can fill the skills gap in
and real estate now account for $32.5 billion in our industry. In 2016, GSAEF awarded over $30,000 in
economic impact in the San Antonio area - nearly 1/7 scholarships to students of the two programs.
of the entire local economy. By providing scholarships, GSAEF is funded primarily through the annual
mentoring programs, guest speakers, and by helping GSAEF Charity Home. GSABA members donate time,
local schools to create skilled trades curriculum, GSAEF materials, and money to GSAEF Partner Armadillo
seeks to find solutions to an ever-increasing shortage Homes, who constructs and sells the Charity Home. All
in the number of skilled trade workers in the residential
construction industry. By investing in the next generation proceeds go to GSAEF to fund educational initiatives
of tradesmen and business owners, homebuilders are in the San Antonio area in order to promote the career
building the future of San Antonio’s housing market. opportunities in our industry. Also, the student chapters
GSAEF launched student chapters of the National participate in community service projects that are
Association of Home Builders (NAHB) at St. Philip’s College, funded by GSAEF. The students aim to make a lasting
Southwest Campus and at the University of Texas at impact on their neighborhoods by repairing homes of
San Antonio with the goal of creating a pipeline of those who are less fortunate, by using the skills they
talent to fuel the economic engine of homebuilding. learn in school. GSAEF and the two student chapters of
St. Philip’s houses a 2-year technical program that NAHB are planting the seeds for organic urban renewal
produces skilled students in electrical, plumbing, and creating a culture of giving back.