Page 30 - Parade of Homes 2017
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Stylish & Sleek
No longer just a functional necessity on a home, the garage
door has transformed to be a large and distinct architectural
feature that adds curb appeal, style and value to the home.
In many homes, the garage door can represent Back Garage Door in the Contemporary Panel Design
as much as 40% of the front elevation of the home. and we fell in love with it! We then opted for the Satin
Garage door manufacturers have capitalized on this Edge Privacy Glass with the windows in the vertical
by creating extremely attractive and diverse garage column position. This design offered flexibility that
door styles and designs. fit perfectly on a single door and also on the double
There is a national trend toward modern and door. These cutting edge new designs for the garage
contemporary style garage doors that compliment doors are a great hit! Thank you Wayne Dalton!”
many of today’s contemporary style homes. Many of In addition to Wayne Dalton’s 9600 Contemporary
the new homes in San Antonio have a contemporary Panel Design with vertical windows, they have
style including several of this year’s Parade Homes. developed a unique glass door with no visible frame
“At Dale Sauer Homes we are always looking for called the Luminous. This one of a kind garage door
what’s new in the market that we can share with our is striking in appearance and is available with opaque
homeowners”, says Debbie Sauer with Dale Sauer white, opaque black, mirrored gray, mirrored bronze,
Homes. “As we began designing our 2017 Parade and translucent black glass.
of Homes house for the Canyons at Scenic Loop, Brian Box with Ashton Custom Homes stated “At
we knew we wanted to focus on a contemporary this year’s Parade Home, we chose to use the Clopay
modern exterior with the windows and garage doors Contemporary Modern Steel Garage Doors with
complementing each other. As we began searching, frosted windows by Hollywood Crawford to stay
we discovered the Wayne Dalton 9600 Insulated Steel consistent with the transitional architectural style