Page 273 - Reydon Catalogue 2023_24
P. 273

Outdoor Clothing & Equipment

 Trespass Tripod Camping Chair  Trespass Stainless Steel Flask (750ml)  Trespass Nukool Large Cool Bag  Trespass Squeezebox Water Carrier 6L  Outdoor Clothing & Equipment
 Trespass Paddy Padded Chair  This folding tripod stool is packaway in a carrying bag for a   Trespass Waterproof Blanket  15L storage, the Nukool carries a lot of food and keeps it cool and   If your camp is some distance from the nearest water source, you
 Padded with foam to help you relax even harder, the Trespass Paddy  convenience that’s key to your comfort, especially when camping or   With a waterproof material, this picnic rug won’t soak up water from   Whether you fancy a warm cuppa tea or a cold refreshing apple juice   fresh till you reach your destination. Features include an internal   need the Squeezebox water carrier to help you stock up for the day.
         on the mountain tops, the Thirst 75 has you covered. The stainless
 folding chair has been expertly designed for maximum comfort and   fishing. Featuring a sturdy steel frame and a supportive fabric seat, it  the ground leaving you feeling damp and will offer a flat dry space to   steel flask holds up to 750ml so you’re sorted for the whole day or   closable ice pack pocket, front pocket and side mesh pouch, you’ll   This simple water jug has a dispenser tap that can be simply screwed
 ease of use. With a lightweight yet sturdy compactable steel frame,   will withstand regular use.The Trespass Packaway Tripod Stool is a   set out your basket. This simple blanket is perfect for camping, hiking   camping trip. Easy use, push/pull stopper. Wide mouth top.  have plenty space for everything you need.  off and helps get the right volume you need to save wastage.
 the Paddy deck chair is the only support you need this summer.  catch! Size 41x31cm  picnics and more. Size 135 x 120cm.  Code  Volume  Code  Colour  Code
 Code  Colour  Code  Colour  Code  Colour
          UUACMIK10010        750ml          UUACMIJ10002  Navy Stripe          UUACMIH10014
 UUACMITR0021  Navy  UUACMIF10002  Navy  UUACMID10043  Navy Stripe

 Trespass Chomp 3 Piece Cutlery Set  Trespass Bungee Cord (Pack of 4)
 If you are a regular camper you’ll know that carrying loose cutlery and   The Bungee bungee cords are an excellent item for a range of uses   Trespass 2L Water Bladder  Trespass Belta Rubber Mallet
 other items can be a nuisance. The Chomp cutlery set to help   Trespass Axion Tent Pegs (Pack of 10)  and come in a pack of four. Use these to secure your pack fasten gear   Trespass Multi-Tool  The 2-litre Hydration X water bladder is designed to hold water more   An essential piece of kit to have with you on the campsite, the Belta
 streamline your rucksack.This interlocking knife fork and spoon set   The Axion tent pegs comes in a pack of ten and are 150mm long.  to your bike and much much more. 76cm long with durable elastic   12 function Multi-Tool. Knife, Saw, Scissors, Torch, Screwdriver/Bottle  flexibly than a bulky water bottle, fitting easily in a backpack or   rubber mallet will help you secure down your tent so you have a stable
 are easy to separate then re-fasten so your cutlery stays together in   Made from steel, these pegs are hard wearing and will ensure a strong   these simple bungee cords have metal hooks at each end and are   opener, Can opener, Corkscrew, Philips Screwriver, Punch, Nail tool,   pocket. Now you can drink on the go without stopping and starting all   form on shelter. Lightweight, this mallet has a rubber grip for a secure
 your pack. Includes; Knife, Fork & Spoon  hold wherever you next set up your tent.  hard-wearing enough to last over repeated prolonged use.  Hole tool.  over again.  hold as you pitch up your tent.
 Code  Code  Code  Code                      Code                               Code
 UUACMID20003  UUACMIG10016  UUACMID30062  UUACMITR0034  UUACTVI30002           UUACMIK30090

 Trespass Walter Ground Sheet
 The Walter tarpaulin durable water resistant ground sheet is a great
 accessory for any camping trip. Made from strong durable material,   Trespass Antibacterial Towel  Trespass Resistant Umbrella
 this sheet can be used as a protective groundsheet in your tent or   Trespass Portable Camping Table
 used as a shelter for your bike, firewood and valuables.Designed with   Essential for anybody wanting to keep fresh after a gym session or   The compact umbrella is a tri-fold automatic brolly with a button   The Trestles portable camping table is great of picnics, barbecues   Trespass First Aid Kit
 metal eyelets, you’ll be able to secure it in windy weather and its water  Trespass Coolini Towel  spontaneous trip to the lake. This will keep you dry and clean to get on   release to open and close with ease. Featuring a soft-touch handle   and camping trips. Lightweight and easy to transport. Made using an  This first aid kit comes in a compact, durable case. Includes low
 resistant structure will help to keep you and your valuables dry in the   Instant Cooling Relief. Multipurpose. Re-usable. Comes packed in   with the rest of your day. Super absorbent and fast drying. Lightweight   and comes equipped with a fabric sleeve for convenient storage.  Aluminium material, this table is both durable as well as sturdy   adhesive dressings, plasters, safety pins, antiseptic wipes, scissors,
 event of a rain shower. Size : 6’ x 4’.  container with clip. Towel size 90 X 30cm  Packed in Zip carry bag. Size : 75cm x 130cm.  Code  Colour  enabling it to handle outdoor environments with ease.  gloves and more to ensure that any wound can be taken care of.
 Code  Code  Colour  Code  Colour  UAACMITR0002B  Black  Code                   Code
 UUACMIL30032  UUACMIN30050  Assorted  UUACMIE30018  Blue  UAACMITR0002  Granite  UUACMIM10003  UUACMIM30008
 272 Outdoor Clothing & Equipment  telesales: 0115 938 6444    order online at  telesales: 0115 938 6444   order online at  Outdoor Clothing & Equipment 273
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