Page 48 - Reydon Catalogue 2023_24
P. 48

FB1012           FB1014          FB1017             HA6800           HA6805          HA6807
                                                                                                                                  Harrows 100 Micron Velos Flights Set                Harrows 100 Micron Quantum Flights
      Darts                                                                                                                       Tapered front wings, decreased wingspan and extended wing tips all   Revolutionary 3D UV laminate and feature a colourful, transparent centre   Darts
                                                                                                                                                                                      display which, combined with our new ultra-strong 100 micron material.
                                                                                                                                  contribute to creating the unique Velos shape.
                                                                                                                                   FB1012  Blue       PK3                              HA6800  Charcoal/Green  PK3
                                                                                                                                   FB1014  Smoke      PK3                              HA6805  Charcoal/Royal  PK3
                                                                                                                                   FB1017  Orange     PK3                              HA6807  Charcoal/White  PK3

                                                                                                                                                                                       HAF5500          HAF5501          HAF5505
                                          Harrows Blaze Darts                                                                                                                         Harrows Retina Flights
                                          Blaze darts are precision engineered from inox steel, a high carbon,   Harrows Ace – Rubber Grip Darts                                      The central display promotes an accurate and consistent throw, while
        Harrows Chizzy Alloy Darts        iron alloy. The sleek and stylish non-tarnish barrels feature a unique   Experience ultimate non-slip performance with Ace darts. The barrels   Harrows Twin Pack  the outer performance laminate gives exceptional strength.
        Double shark grips at the front and rear and flat double ringed grips in   combination of horizontal and reverse cut micro-grooves, for ultimate   feature a unique vulcanised rubber grip for improved control.   A unique accessory concept twinning world class Supergrip shafts   Code  Colour   UOS
        the mid-section. The dart has been coated with a high-grade alloy,   control.   Supergrip shafts and 100 micron Marathon flights complete the total   and next generation concept flights.  HAF5500  Red  PK3
        giving it a ‘tungsten look’.       Code          Weight  UOS          grip concept.
        Code        Weight  UOS            HA14221       21g   SET            Code          Weight  UOS                                            Code    Colour            UOS       HAF5501  Clear      PK3
                                                                                                                                                   HA240   Aqua. Black/Silver, Red  SET  HAF5505  Blue     PK3
        HA14822     22g    SET             HA14222       22g   SET            HA14322       22g     SET
        HA14823     23g    SET             HA14223       23g   SET            HA14324       24g     SET
        HA14824     24g    SET             HA14224       24g   SET            HA14326       26g     SET

                                                                                                                                Harrows Supergrip Fusion Shafts    Harrows Supergrip Ignite Shafts    Harrows Super Grip Carbon Shafts
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The shafts have been manufactured using a unique carbon
                                                                                                                                Nylon shaft features precision factory fitted, machined rings which,   Supergrip Ignite is the latest addition to our industry leading Supergrip   composite/compound. Resulting in the most durable Supergrip we
                                                                                                                                unlike traditional springs do not open when flights are fitted.   shaft range. Manufactured using the same high quality material as the   have ever created.
                                                                                                                                                                   Supergrip Fusion range, we present a dynamic new ‘all over’ fire
                                                                                                                                 Code    Colour   Size  UOS        design.                             Code    Colour   Size  UOS
                                                                                                                                 HA232S  Black/Aqua  Short  PK3     Code         Length  UOS           HA231SB  Black/Silver  Short  PK3
                                                                               HA1560            HA1561                          HA232MIDI  Black/Aqua  Midi  PK3   SH1007       Medium  PK3           HA231MIDI  Black/Silver  Midi  PK3
                                             20gK                                                                                HA232M  Black/Aqua  Medium  PK3    SH1027       Short   PK3           HA231MB  Black/Silver  Medium  PK3



                                                                                                                                                                   Harrows Nylon Darts Shafts         Harrows Supergrip Darts Shafts
                                                                                                                                                                   Nylon shaft features precision factory fitted, machined rings which,   This 21st Century shaft features precision factory-fitted machined
                                             28gK                              HA1562            HA1563                                                            unlike traditional springs do not open when flights are fitted. This   rings, which, unlike traditional springs, do not open when flights are
                                                                                                                                                                   results in an incredible vice like grip.  fitted.
                                                                                                                                Harrows Blaze Pro 6 Darts Case      Code    Colour   Size  UOS         Code    Colour   Size  UOS
                                                                                                                                Store 6 fully assembled darts. 8 storage compartments. 1 accessory
                                                                                                                                net.                                HA203SB  Black  Short  PK3         HA233S  Black/Gold  Short  PK3
                                                                                                                                 Code    Colour                     HA203MIDIB  Black  Midi  PK3       HA233MIDI  Black/Gold  Midi  PK3
                                                                                                                                 HA220B  Black                      HA203MB  Black  Medium  PK3        HA233M  Black/Gold  Medium  PK3
        Harrows Voodoo Brass Darts
        The Voodoo range of superbly styled brass darts features unique black
        knurled barrels which are designed to give optimum grip and control.
        Anodised aluminium shafts, teamed with aerodynamic flights   Harrows Club Brass Darts  HA1564  HA1565
        combine to create perfection in flight.                               Harrows 100 Micron Marathon Flights
        Code          Weight  UOS          The world’s most popular brass series. The precision barrels are                                                                      Harrows Blaze Case
                                           available in a wide choice of weights and styles. Complete with nylon  100 micron world beating concept. 33% thicker, for extra strength and   Harrows Dart Sharpener
        HA15021       21g     SET          shafts and Marathon flights for great performance.  ridgity.                                       Tubed for maximum abrasion.        Designed To Hold and Protect Fully Assembled darts.
        HA15023       23g     SET          Code    Weight       UOS           Code             UOS                                             Code                               Code    Colour
        HA15025       25g     SET          HA105  20g, 22g, 24g, 26g, 28g  SET  HA156          PK3                                             HA222                              HA219BB  Black
        48 Darts                          telesales: 0115 938 6444    order online at  telesales: 0115 938 6444   order online at  Darts  49
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