Page 79 - Reydon Catalogue 2023_24
P. 79

Fitness Mad Foam Roller  Fitness Mad Vari-Massage Roller
 Fitness  This 20cm Foam Roller by Fitness-Mad is perfect for anyone looking for   and shoulders, rollers are now widely used in Pilates and physiotherapy  The ultimate roller for myofascial release and  to help massage and   Fitness
 Originally used to relieve muscular tension along the spine, hips, neck
 Fitness Mad Foam Roller
 to help to develop core stability through a range of exercises.
 release tight muscles. Features a range of different patterns so you
 a foam roller they can carry in their gym bag as its lightweight and
 can vary the intensity of the massage to suit your needs.
 Code  Length  KFA240  Blue  36”  Code  Colour  Size  Fitness Mad Exer-Soft Ball  Fitness Mad 150kg Anti-Burst Swiss Ball
         Ideal for pelvic floor exercises, will enhance Pilates workouts and help   Anti-burst Swiss Ball with a load rating of 150kg. Perfect for Fit Ball
 FROLLER3MINI  20cm  KFA241  Blue  18”  KFA248B  Black  30.5 x 12cm Dia  develop strength, endurance and concentration as well as promoting  Fitness Mad Doorway Gym Bar  workouts, Yoga, Pilates or physiotherapy and can be use as a chair to
         relaxation and coordination. The balls are anti-slip, offering excellent  Turn your door frame into a workstation. Use the bar high in the door   aid with postural problems. Comes with pump. We do not
         grip.                              frame for pull-ups, crunches and chin-ups or, at the bottom of the   recommend this ball for use when weight training.
          Code   COLOUR      Size           door frame for sit-ups and an abdominal workout. Foam grips add   Code  Colour  Ball Size
                                            extra comfort. Includes support brackets and basic exercise guide.
          KFB512  Graphite   12”            Note: maximum user weight 100kg.    FBALL10055  Graphite  55cm
          KFB500  Red        9”              Code         Max Weight            FBALL10065  Graphite  65cm
          KFB499  Blue       7”              KFA216       100kg                 FBALL10075  Graphite  75cm

 Fitness Mad Tread Roller
 This foam roller is ideal for muscle massage and self myofascial
 release for tight muscles, before or after exercise, or even if you wish
 to roll your muscles out after a long day on standing or sitting. Made   Fitness Mad Trigger Point Massage Ball Set   Fitness Mad Peanut Massage Ball
 from strong tubing to prevent deformation whilst rolling with a   Our Fitness-Mad peanut massage ball design is perfect for rolling out
 moulded EVA tread pattern.   Set of massage balls in three different hardnesses for acupressure
 massage and trigger point release. Grey: soft, green: medium, sky:   tight muscles. The dip allows the ball to get close into your back
 Code  Colour  Size  hard.  muscles, without putting pressure on your spine.
 KFA263B  Black  32.2cm x 13.5cm diameter  Code  Colour  Ball Size  UOS  Code  Colour  Size
 FROLLERTRD-BLUE  Blue  32.2cm x 13.5cm diameter  KFA250  Grey/Green/Sky  6cm  SET  FMASSAGEP  Grey/Blue  14cm x 6.5cm diameter

          Fitness Mad Speed Rope            Fitness Mad Pilates Ring - Double Handle  Fitness Mad Resistance Band and Instructions
          A durable, smooth-turning rope with free- spinning handles to   Pilates rings (also known as a magic circle) are commonly used in   Available in three strengths. For all kinds of resistance training,
          ensure a perfect skipping arc, suitable for all general skipping   Pilates to add intensity to floor exercises. The ring’s resistance speeds   Pilates and therapy. Made of latex which offers the most natural
          routines. Available in 3 sizes: 8ft (height up to 5'3"), 9ft (height   up toning by targeting specific muscles. Especially useful in problem   resistance and best elasticity of any material. Includes colour
          5'4" - 5'10") and 10ft (height 5'11" - 6'6").  areas like the inner and outer thighs, upper arms, the chest and even   workout guide. Size: 150 x 15cm. Warning: these bands are latex.
                                            the pelvic muscles. This is our lightweight ring which has both inner
          Code    Colour  Length                                                Code   Colour  Resistance
                                            and outer grips and a foam padded ring for extra comfort. Resistance
          KFR6008  Purple  8’               is fractionally lighter than our traditional designed Tri-Band Steel ring.  KFA202  Red  Light
          KFR6009  Blue  9’                  Code         Size                  KFA203  Blue   Medium
 Fitness Mad Pro Suspension Trainer  KFR60010  Black  10’  FRING14L  14” (36cm) diameter
 A portable lightweight training system that allows you to workout              KFA204  Black  Strong
 anytime, anywhere be it from a door frame, wall anchor or a tree!
 Fitness Mad Spikey Massage Ball  Use your own body weight as resistance and strengthen the whole
 Fitness Mad Foot Massage Roller  Fitness-Mad’s set of 3 spikey massage trigger balls are perfect for   body, whilst building muscle and burning unwanted fat.
 Fitness-Mad’s foot roller helps to relieve foot, heel and plantar fasciitis  self-massage. Use to help release muscle tension which can also help   Independently load tested to over 1000lb (450kgs). Maximum
 pain. Ease tight and tired muscles of the feet before or after exercise. to release toxins and improve circulation.  user weight: 125kgs. Includes mesh carry bag.
 Code  Colour  Size  Code  Colour  Size  UOS  Code  Colour
 KFA261  Black/Green  15.8 x 6.5cm  KFA262  Green/Blue/Black  6.5cm  SET  KFA213  Black/Red

 Fitness Mad Safety Resistance Trainer
 A safe alternative to latex resistance tubes without compromising
 performance. The protection sleeve virtually removes the risks
 associated with latex tube failure and also extends the life of the latex   Fitness Mad Mini-Power Loop Set
 tube. Includes resistance training and usage guide with 19 key                Fitness Mad Squat Band Set of 3
 resistance exercises. Also includes a door attachment that enables   This Mini Power Loop set of 5 resistance bands gives you the option of   Fitness Mad Balance Pod Dome (Pair)  Squat bands are a great way to build the glute and leg muscles.
 you to turn the Resistance Trainer into a virtual gym. Maximum tube   5 different strength options. Option to progress your workout as you   Increase your coordination, improve your balance and challenge   Activate your muscles as part of a dynamic warm-up, or use for a
 stretch: 4 x original length.  get stronger, or select an appropriate level of band for the muscles you   your core with these Balance Pods by Fitness-Mad. Designed to   serious lower body workout by itself or as part of your weight training
 Code  Colour  Resistance  are choosing to train. Each band is 35cm in diameter.  help develop your core strength muscles such as your abdomen,   routine. Extra wide with non-slip lining to help reduce the band
          Code  Colour  Resistance  UOS     back and pelvis by adding extra challenge to numerous bodyweight   bunching/moving as you exercise. Contains latex, do not use if
 KFA244  Blue  Medium                       exercises. Dimensions - 8cm x 16.5cm diameter.  allergic.
          KFA195  Multi  xlight, light,   SET
 KFA245  Red  Strong                         Code  Colour  Size     UOS         Code                 UOS
                     medium, strong,
 KFA246  Black  Extra Strong  xstrong        KFA281  Grey  16.5cm diameter  PR  FSQUATBANDSET        SET
 78 Fitness  telesales: 0115 938 6444    order online at  telesales: 0115 938 6444   order online at  Fitness  79
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