Page 87 - Team Sport Catalogue 2023 - EURO.
P. 87

01 TRS225 PRECISION   01  02  07                   08                                   07 TRS104 PRECISION
 NEOPRENE THUMB/                                                                         NEOPRENE KNEE
 WRIST WRAP                                                                              SUPPORT

 For mild wrist pain, sprains and weak                                                   For minor knee conditions, mild to
 wrists. Fully adjustable closure creates                                                moderate inflammation, rheumatism,
 easy fitting. One size fits all and can                                                 arthritis. Material: 65% neoprene,
 be used on either left or right wrist.                                                  20% nylon, 10% polyester, 5% latex.
 Material: 65% neoprene, 20% nylon,                                                      Sizes: small, medium, large, Xlarge.
 10% polyester, 5% latex. One size.                                                      £11.95
                                                                                         08 TRS105 PRECISION
 02 TRS231 PRECISION                                                                     NEOPRENE KNEE FREE
 NEOPRENE ANKLE                                                                          SUPPORT
                                                                                         Use for Osgoods-Schlatters disease,
 For moderate ankle pain, chronic weak                                                   Chrondomalacia Patella. Material:
 ankles, sprains, ankle instabilities and                                                65% neoprene, 20% nylon, 10%
 injury prevention.  Universal fitting for                                               polyester, 5% latex.  Sizes: small,
 both feet. Lace-up front. Material: 70%                                                 medium, large, Xlarge. £12.95
 polyester, 10% PVC, 10% PE, 5% PU
 foam, 3% rubber, 2% iron. Sizes: small,
 medium, large, Xlarge. £16.95                                                           09 TRS106 PRECISION
 03  04       09                                    10                                   NEOPRENE TENNIS
 03 TRS100 PRECISION                                                                     ELBOW STRAP
 NEOPRENE ANKLE                                                                          UNIVERSAL
                                                                                         For overuse injuries such as tennis
 For sprains, strains and injuries from                                                  elbow, golfers elbow or bursitis.
 overuse. Material: 65% neoprene, 20%                                                    Material: 65% neoprene, 20% nylon,
 nylon, 10% polyester, 5% latex.  Sizes:                                                 10% polyester, 5% latex. One size.
 small, medium, large, Xlarge. £8.95                                                     £9.95                       Multi Sport - Medical  |  87

 04 TRS101 PRECISION                                                                     10 TRS107 PRECISION
 NEOPRENE WRIST                                                                          NEOPRENE PADDED
                                                                                         KNEE SUPPORT
                                                                                         Helps to prevent sprains, strains,
 Helps recovery from recent injuries
 including sprains, strains or RSI. Can                                                  abrasion, bruising. Material: 45%
 ease arthritic symptoms. Material: 55%                                                  neoprene, 20% nylon, 10% polyester,
 neoprene, 25% nylon,12% polyester,                                                      10% latex, 12% EVA, 3% kevlar.
 8% latex. Sizes: small, medium, large,                                                  Sizes: small, medium, large, Xlarge.
 Xlarge. £8.95                                                                           £13.95

 05 TRS102 PRECISION   05  06  11                   12                                   11 TRS108 PRECISION
 NEOPRENE ELBOW                                                                          NEOPRENE PADDED
                                                                                         ELBOW SUPPORT
 For minor elbow injuries or similar                                                     Helps to prevent sprains, strains,
 discomforts around the elbow joint.                                                     abrasion, bruising. Material: 45%
 Material: 65% neoprene, 20% nylon,                                                      neoprene, 20% nylon, 10% polyester,
 10% polyester, 5% latex. Sizes: small,                                                  10% latex, 12% EVA, 3% kevlar .
 medium, large, Xlarge. £8.95                                                            Sizes: small, medium, large, Xlarge.
 06 TRS103 PRECISION                                                                     12 TRS109 PRECISION
 NEOPRENE BACK                                                                           NEOPRENE CALF/SHIN
 For minor aches and pains around
 the sciatica and lumbago. Material:                                                     Provides support and compression to
 neoprene 75%, nylon 15%, polyester                                                      calf, shin and achilles. Material: 80%
 7%, latex 3%. One size. £18.95                                                          neoprene, 20% nylon. Sizes: small/
                                                                                         medium, large/Xlarge. £11.95
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