Page 344 - Magistrates Conference 2019
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extent, and for the same purpose, in any Court in Anguilla, or before any person having by law,
or by consent of parties, authority to hear, receive and examine evidence.
Whenever any book or other document is of such a public nature as to be admissible in evidence
on its mere production from the proper custody, and no statute exists which renders its contents
provable by means of a copy, any copy thereof, or extract therefrom shall be admissible in
evidence in any Court, or before any person having by law, or by consent of parties, authority to
hear, receive and examine evidence, if it is provide to be an examined copy or extract, or if it
purports to be signed and certified as a true copy, or extract, by the officer to whose custody the
original is entrusted, and which officer is hereby required to furnish such certified copy, or
extract, to any person applying at a reasonable time, for the copy or extract, upon payment of a
fee for the same of 18 cents for every folio of 96 words.
Antigua and Barbuda
Whenever any book, or other document, is of a public nature as to be admissible in evidence on
its mere documents production from the proper custody, and no statute exists which renders its
contents provable by means of a copy, any copy thereof, or extract therefrom, shall be admissible
in evidence in any Court of Justice, or before any person now, or hereafter, having by law, or by
consent of parties, authority to hear, receive, and examine evidence provided that:
• it be proved to be an examined copy or extract;
• it purports to be signed and certified as a true copy or extract by the officer in whose
custody the original is entrusted, and which officer is hereby required to furnish such
certified copy, or extract, to any person applying, at a reasonable time, for the same, upon
payment of a fee for the same of eighteen cents for every folio of ninety-six words.
The general position is that where in any proceedings where direct oral evidence of a fact would
be admissible, any statement contained in a document and tending to establish such fact shall, on
production of the document be admissible as evidence if the same if:
3 Anguilla - Evidence Act Chap. E65, sections 13, 22
4 Antigua and Barbuda - Evidence Act Cap. 155, section 22; Evidence (Special Provisions) Act No. 5 of 2009, sections 26 – 47