Page 603 - Magistrates Conference 2019
P. 603



               A special thanks to Diana Shaw, Legal Consultant for her technical expertise which was instrumental in
               the development of these Guidelines and Candice Wallace, Regional Coordinator for her leadership and
               management of this initiative. The JURIST Project also wishes to express gratitude to the Hon. Mme Justice
               Rajnauth-Lee and the members of the Sexual Offences Advisory Committee for their guidance and input.

               The Project also acknowledges with gratitude the support and participation of stakeholders from Judiciaries,
               Ministries of  Justice, Health, Gender  Affairs, Social Services and National Security, Director of Public
               Prosecutions, Bar Associations and non-governmental organisations from throughout the CARICOM region,
               who contributed to the development of these Guidelines. The contribution of the representatives of the
               indigenous populations of Belize and Guyana, representatives from community based organisations, persons
               with disabilities and survivors of sexual offences who gave us deep insight, bravely shared their stories and
               provided us with feedback is deeply acknowledged and appreciated.

               Finally, the Project wishes to acknowledge the extra efforts of the Hon. Mr. Justice Iain Morley and the editorial
               team who worked assiduously in streamlining the Guidelines and contributing significantly to its finalisation.

               Members of the Sexual Offences Advisory Committee:
               The Rt. Hon. Sir Dennis Byron, President, Caribbean Court of Justice (ex-officio)
               Hon. Mme. Justice Maureen Rajnauth-Lee, Judge, Caribbean Court of Justice (Chair)
               Hon. Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders, Judge, Caribbean Court of Justice
               Hon. Mme. Justice Betsy-Ann Lambert Peterson, Judge, Family Court of Trinidad and Tobago
               Hon. Mme. Justice Jacqueline Cornelius, Judge, Barbados Supreme Court

               Her Honour Paula Blake-Powell, Senior Parish Court Judge and Judge of the Family Court of Jamaica
               Dr. Penny Reedie, Project Director, JURIST Project
               Beverly Reynolds, Coordinator, Health and Human Development, CARICOM Secretariat
               Gabrielle Henderson, Programme Specialist, UN Women
               Heather Stewart, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Eastern Caribbean and Trinidad and Tobago
               Tracy Robinson, Senior Lecturer, UWI, Jamaica
               Renee Cummings, Criminal Psychologist
               Candice Wallace, Regional Coordinator, JURIST Project

               Members of the Editorial team:
               Hon. Mme. Justice Maureen Rajnauth-Lee, Judge, Caribbean Court of Justice
               Hon. Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders, Judge, Caribbean Court of Justice
               Hon. Mr. Justice Iain Morley, Judge, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court
               Diana Shaw, Legal Consultant
               Candice Wallace, Regional Coordinator, JURIST Project

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