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Table 6.1. Technological Innovation Research Areas for Ecological
Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment.
Development Research Rationale/Objective of level
Challenges Areas Research
Lack of database Data To establish database P
on damages, management system in all LGUs to
losses and record damages,
casualties during losses and casualties
disaster during disaster.
To establish a satellite
data for post disaster
needs assessment.
To use drone for
assessment and
monitoring and
Waste Solid Waste To identify new HP
management Management strategies to
Lack of sanitary effectively promote
landfills in LGUs waste segregation in
Limited number LGUs.
of material To identify harmful
recovery facilities effects of waste
(MRFs) materials to the
Lax enforcement environment.
of RA 9003
“Ecological Solid
Fast urbanization Solid waste To study and identify UP
and high management strategies to sustain
population environment friendly
waste management
system in fast
urbanization and high
population areas.
Calabarzon Regional Development Research Agenda 2018-2022 Page 41