Page 17 - List of Faculty Seminars (2017-2020)
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Keno Villavicencio
                                                                                               Aleli Diato
                                                                                               Shane Hayag
                                                                                               Dr. Noel Manarpiis
                                                                                               Ritch Banate
                                                                                               Gwena Rochel Lontoc
                                   CvSU Faculty Orientation Cum ISO 9000:2015                  All Faculty Members         Participant
                                   T3 Faculty Orientation                                      All T3 Faculty and Staff    Participants, Speakers,
                                   Seminar and general assembly of the CvSU Federated          All faculty members with    Participants
                                   Faculty Association                                         plantilla position
                                   Seminar-Workshop on Documentary Requirements and            Vienna Mi A. Feranil        Participants
                                   Auditing Procedures                                         Noel Manarpiis
                                                                                               Aleli Diato
                                                                                               Arlene L. Estrada
                                                                                               Belleth Hosmillo
                                   Cavite Entrepreneurship  Students Forum at University       Debbie Rose Banag           Participants
                                   Gymnasium                                                   Melona Igmasine
                                   Orientation and Workshop on Tertiary Education Subsidy      Charmaine Banag             Participants
                                   (TES) of RA 10931 and its Management System                 Melona Igmasine
                                                                                               Lilian Sidamon
                                   Workshop on Revision of the Student Code of Conduct         Gideon Luke Ty              Participants
                                                                                               Jonel Camalig
                                                                                               Mark Sibulo
                                   T3 Accreditation Task Force Seminar/ Orientation-Seminar  All Faculty and Staff         Participants
                                   on Outcomes-Based Accreditation
                                   Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers: Code of     Emma Lago                   Resource Speaker
                                   Ethics for Professional Teachers
                                   Seminar – Workshop on Institutional Sustainability          Mildred A. Sebastian        Participants
                                   Assessment of CvSU                                          Arlene L. Estrada
                    Provincial     Convergence 2018:  Actions for Virtual Intelligence and     Keno Villavicencio          Participant
                                   Technology in Education
                                   Product Knowledge                                           Mildred A. Sebastian        Resource Speaker
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