Page 6 - List of Faculty Seminars (2017-2020)
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Working with Digital Storytelling Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 16 May 2020
in the STEM-subjects through Center
silent videos
Digital storytelling with Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 25 May 2020
Microsoft Sway Center
Flipped instruction with Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 25 May 2020
PowerPoint Recorder Center
Introduction to OneNote Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 25 May 2020
Step up to computer science Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 25 May 2020
Deploying Office 365 for Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 25 May 2020
Education Center
Digital Composition & Authentic Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 26 May 2020
Audiences Center
Windows 10 and Classroom Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 26 May 2020
Agility Center
WE Schools Tech For Good Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 26 May 2020
WE Schools Service Learning Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 26 May 2020
101 Center
Transform Learning with Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 26 May 2020
Microsoft Teams Center
Workshop on Introduction to Vienna Mi A. Feranil ERYUTech 26 May 2020
Website Development using
Online Professional Vienna Mi A. Feranil Rex Academy 27 May 2020
Development Course: Journey
to a Healthy Psychological
PDLN connect, communicate Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
and collaborate Center
Staying connected with remote Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
learning through Microsoft Center
Teams and Office 365
Surf the 5C’s with Wakelet Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
Teach Student-Led Computer Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
Science Advocacy Center
Teaching SDGs with WE Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
Schools Center
The Science of Gaming Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
Training teachers to author Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
accessible content Center
Minecraft Hour of Code: Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
Facilitator Training Center
OneNote Class Notebook: A Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
teacher’s all-in-one notebook Center
for students
OneNote Staff Notebook: Tools Vienna Mi A. Feranil Microsoft Educator 30 May 2020
for staff collaboration Center
COVID 19: Changing How We Vienna Mi A. Feranil Abiva Publishing 01 May 2020
Educate Future Generations House, Inc.