Page 119 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 119

6.  Choosing       the  Mediated           Group               Tablet/        effective Social
                                                 Optimal             Communication:                         Computer       Media Tool in
                                                 Communication       https://www.yout                                      promoting online
                                                 Channel                            PPT/PDF
                                            Multimodal Advocacy      v=awfT-                                files          business)

                13-14  After           the  VI.   Communication  Short exercises:       Distance Mode       Laptop/        •  Online          Week 13
                        completion  of  the  for Various Purposes    asking for                             Android          speechthat
                        chapter,  students       1. Speech to Inform   information      Recorded Video      Phone/           can inform
                        will be able to:         2.   Speech     to  through inquiry    Discussion that     Tablet/          about any of
                                            Persuade                 letter or          will be posted to   Computer         the following
                        1.  understand  the       3. Speech to       interview,         Facebook Group                       societal issues
                        purpose         of  Entertain                response to                                             such as:
                        speeches        to                           queries, incident                      Audio and/or  (1-3 mins)
                        inform,  persuade                            reports            Zoom App            video clips    1.  Promotion of
                        and entertain;                                                                      of various        Business in
                        2.   identify   the                          Online Speech      PPT - Facebook      media             the Online
                        different parts and                          Video Samples      Group                                 world
                        distinct                                                                            Texts, video
                        characteristics  of                          Supplementary                          and/or         2. The New
                        each speech type;                            Video: TED Ed:                         audio-clips       Normal in
                        and                                          How do our                             from various      Creating and
                           3. prepare a                              Brain Process                          sources           Managing a
                        speech on any of                             Speech:                                                  Business
                            the three                                https://www.face                                                         Week 14
                            purposes                                                              •  Online
                           mentioned.                                ?v=3084762505                                           speech that
                                                                     63003                                                   can persuade

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