Page 18 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 18
After the completion Introduction of the Orientation Distance mode Course One-page End of
of the unit, students Course Syllabus reaction paper
will be able to: A. Course Overview Class The learning Student 1 week
(Syllabus) and Expectations modules for the Handbook
1. introduce oneself Requirements entire semester
to the class; B. Transition to the will be given to Learning
2. list down new normal of students in Module
expectations for the learning either soft copy
course; and C. orientation on the (through flash Internet
3. identify course use of the drive, CD); or Connection
requirements and learning module sent to the (optional)
regulations in the email or be
new normal of uploaded in Laptop/
module-based google netbook/
learning. classroom); or cellphones,
hard copy Pen and
(printed) will be Paper
prepared for
pick up at the
After the completion I. A brief history of Self-paced Distance mode Learning Activity 1: End of
of the chapter, Cavite State University learning through Module Students will
students will learning modules using Facebook create a timeline 2 week
be able to: A. Humble provided Group, Student of the history of
1. identify the beginnings Messenger, Handbook CvSU
historical B. As a state college Consultation via Zoom, google
backgrounds of of agriculture as a call, text message, classroom, etc. Internet
2 Cavite State state university instant messaging, Connection
University; and group chats, e- For students (optional)
2. determine the mail, etc. with no internet,
roots and stepping modular thru Laptop/
stones of CvSU until pick-up at the netbook/
todays 21 century campus cellphones,
thrusts. or
Pen and
After the completion II. University Tenets, Self-paced Distance mode Learning Activity 2: End of
of the chapter, Mission and Vision learning through Module Students will
students will create a 1 page 3 week