Page 242 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 242

media drive various      Religion                                                     handouts    The students
                             forms of global                                       Watch movie                                 will write a
                             integration;                                          about religion                  Modules     one page
                         2.  Explain the dynamic                                   in different                                reflection
                             between local and                                     culture                          Online     paper about
                             global cultural                                           •  Passio                   materials   the movie that
                             production;                                                  n of the                             they watch.
                         3.  Explain how                                                  Christ                   PPT/PDF
                             globalization affects                                     •  Muham                      files
                             religious practices and                                      mad
                             beliefs; and                                                                           Social
                         Analyze the relationship                                                                   Media
                         between religion and                                                                      Account
                         global conflict and,                                                                     (Facebook,
                         conversely, global peace.                                                               Messenger)


                         After the completion of the  VI. GLOBAL                                    Distance      Reference    OBA
                         chapter, students should     POPULATION AND                   Online       Mode             book      7.Written
                         be able to:                  MOBILITY                     Discussion via                              Report. (By
                Week     1.  Identify the attributes        6.1 The Global City         Zoom                       Lecture     Group)            Week 13
                 12-13       of a global city;             6.2 Global               (For students                  handouts    Students
                         2.  Analyze how cities             Demography                 without                                 should answer
                             serve as engines of           6.3Global Migration        internet,                    Modules     the following
                             globalization;                                        module will be                              questions with
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