Page 257 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 257

After the                1.  Multi       Group Discussion     Distance       Desktop/     Online Laboratory        End of 8
                                completion of the           Queue                             Learning       Laptop/      Exercise No. 6            week
                                chapter, students           Scheduling      Audio Visual                   Smartphone     (Writing a source code
                                should be able           2.  Multi          Presentation                                  of any high level
                                to:                         Feedback                                         Module       programming
                                1. understand               Queue          Demonstration                                  language that can
                                 CPU                        Scheduling                                         AV         simulate work load
                                 Scheduling                                                                Presentation   using Multi Queue
                                 Algorithms                                                                  File/Link    Scheduling)
                                2. identify the
                          8      and                                                                                      Online Laboratory
                                 disadvantages                                                                            Exercise No. 7
                                 of difference                                                                            (Writing a source code
                                 CPU                                                                                      of any high level
                                 scheduling                                                                               programming
                                 algorithms                                                                               language that can
                                3. apply different                                                                        simulate work load
                                 techniques of                                                                            using Multi Feedback
                                 CPU                                                                                      Scheduling)
                                 Scheduling on
                          9                                                        MIDTERM EXAMINATION
                                After the         V. Computing               Interactive      Distance       Desktop/     Essay                   End of 10
                                completion of the   Platforms               Discussion        Learning       Laptop/      (What is the best         week
                                chapter, students  A. Desktop                                              Smartphone     operating system to
                                should be able      1. Windows              Audio Visual                                  use in desktop and
                                to:                 2. macOS                Presentation                     Module       mobile platforms,
                                1. classify the     3. Linux-based                                                        explain the reason
                                 different types   B. Mobile               Demonstration                       AV         why)
                                 of platforms       1. Android                                             Presentation
                                2. determine        2. iOS                   Simulation                      File/Link    Project Discussion
                                 cross platform     3. Others (Symbian,
                                 applications         mobile OS from
                                                      other vendors)

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