Page 450 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 450

3. Testing the
                                                     4. Testing the
                                                     Motherboard and
                                                     5. Testing the
                                                     Optical Drive
                                                     6. Testing the
                16-17  After the              XII. Transmission           Pre-recorded     Distance         Reference    Class Exercise  Friday, Week
                        completion of the     Control/Internet Protocol  lecture           Mode                Book      No. 3:            16
                        chapter, students        A.  IP Addressing        discussion                                     Application Layer
                        should be able to:           1. Host or network                                                  and its protocols
                        4.  define and               interface            Step-by-step                       Module
                           explain IP                2. Location          guide video                                    Quiz No. 9:       Friday, Week
                           addressing;               addressing                                            PowerPoint  Different network  17
                        5.  identify different   B.  Subnetting           tutorial                         Presentatio   services and
                           application               1. Sub-networks      Article                          n (Lecture /  application
                           protocols;                2. Network subnet                                      Handouts)    protocols.
                        6.  analyze the              host                 Reading and
                           definition of         C.  IPv4 and IPv6        video                               Guide      Laboratory        Friday, Week
                           subnetting; and           1. Core Protocols    streaming at                      Questions   Exercise No.       17
                        7.  explain and              of standard          https://www.e-                                 11:
                           utilized the use          internetworking                    Computer /  Different network
                           of domain name            method in the        ourse/                      Laptop /    services
                           system.                   internet                                                 Mobile     advantage &
                                                     2. Packet-switched   p?id=73                             Phone      disadvantages

                  18                                     NC II - CSS TESDA Assessments as their Final Examination

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