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I. Introduction of the  2 nd  week  15-item Quiz   Course   Distanc Class directory   of  Syllabus   e Mode  creation   Course   Septemb       1.1 BSOA Curriculum   er  BSOA CMO  Online lecture  Overview     discussion  1.2 Discussion of CMO   CvSU     No. 19 Series of   Student  Video and   2017   Handbook  Powerpoint  1.3 Student Code of     Presentation   Conduct        1.4 Proper Netiquette   Electronic      Surfing - CvSU   website   4 th  week  Activity

             After the completion of the  chapter, students should be   1. introduce oneself to the   class;  2. list down expectations for   the course; and  3. understand the revised  policies, standards and   guidelines for the  Bachelor of Science in   Office Administration.   After the completion of the  chapter, students should be   1. familiarize themselves   with the historical  backgrounds of Cavite   State University; and  2. understand the roots and  steppingst

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