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                                            AREA IV- SUPPORT TO STUDENTS



                              Present the BOR/BOT approved Student Services Program.

                                     The Student Services Program of the University is under the Office of the

                              Student  Affairs  and  Services  (OSAS).  Through  the  years,  the  office  had

                              undergone a series of renaming. It has changed to Student Services Project in

                              1986.  Student  Services  in  1989,  Student  Services  in  1991  and  was  again

                              renamed as Office of Student Affairs (OSA) in 1998 when DSAC (Don Severino

                              delas  Alas  Campus)  was  elevated  into  university,  currently  known  as  Cavite

                              State  University.  The  different  services  offered  by  OSA  and  its  guidelines  are

                              stated  in  the  student  handbook  and  were  based  from  the  CvSU  Manual  of

                              Operations  2009  which  was  approved  by  the  Board  of  Regents  (BOR)  on

                              September  3,  2009  per  Res.  No.  85,s.2009.  To  include  relevant  information

                              about the university, the handbook was updated and approved by the BOR per

                              Res. No. 84, s. 2006.

                                     When the Commission on Higher Education promulgated the “Enhanced

                              Policies and Guidelines on Student Affairs and Services” on April 19, 2013 (CMO

                              no.  19,  s.  2013),  the  Office  of  Student  Affairs  conducted  a  workshop  on

                              September 22, 2014 to review and revise its existing policies and guidelines with

                              reference to the enhanced policies and guideline from CHED. As an output, a

                              proposal to rename the OSA to OSAS was made as well as the revision of the

                              composition and organization structure of the unit.

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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