Page 8 - BSIT Revised Curriculum
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Table 3. Continued…
                  DCIT 60        Methods of Research                                  3        3
                  DCIT 65        Social and Professional Issues                       3        3
                  ITEC 60        Integrated Programming and Technologies 1            3        2        3
                  ITEC 75        System Integration and Architecture 1                3        2        3
                  ITEC 80        Introduction to Human Computer Interaction           3        2        3
                  ITEC 85        Information Assurance and Security 1                 3        2        3
                  ITEC 90        Network Fundamentals                                 3        2        3
                  ITEC 95        Quantitative Methods (Modeling & Simulation)         3        3
                  ITEC 100       Information Assurance and Security 2                 3        2        3
                  ITEC 105       Network Management                                   3        2        3
                  ITEC 110       Systems Administration and Maintenance               3        2        3
                  ITEC 200A      Capstone Project and Research 1                      3
                  ITEC 200B      Capstone Project and Research 2                      3
                  INSY 55        System Analysis and Design                           3        2        3
                  DCIT 50        Object Oriented Programming                          3        2        3
                  ITEC 50        Web System and Technologies 1                        3        2        3
                  ITEC 55        Platform Technologies                                3        2        3
                  ITEC 65        Open Source Technology                               3        2        3

                  ITEC 70        Multimedia Systems                                   3        2        3
                  ITEC 199       Practicum (486 Hours)                                6
                                                                        Sub-total     69      42       45
                  ITEC 101       IT ELECTIVE 1 (Human Computer Interaction 2)         3        2        3
                                 IT ELECTIVE 2 (Web System and Technologies
                  ITEC 106                                                            3        2        3
                                 IT ELECTIVE 3 (Integrated Programming and
                  ITEC 111                                                            3        2        3
                                 Technologies 2)
                                 IT ELECTIVE 4 (Systems Integration and
                  ITEC 116                                                            3        2        3
                                 Architecture 2)
                                                                        Sub-total     12       8       12
                  STAT 2         Applied Statistics                                   3        3
                                                                        Sub-total     3        3
                  VI.  PHYSICAL EDUCATION
                  FITT 1         Movement Enhancement                                 2        2
                  FITT 2         Fitness Exercise                                     2        2
                  FITT 3         Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness I     2        2
                  FITT 4         Physical Activities towards Health and Fitness II    2        2
                                                                        Sub-total     8        8

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