Page 84 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 84
Students pursuing non-degree program may be allowed to shift to degree
programs offered by the College after satisfying the following requirements
except for ladderized programs:
4.1 GPA of 2.0 or better;
4.2 Submission of approved application form and other supporting
documents; and
4.3 Passing the required entrance examination.
5. Cross Registration
Cross-registrants from other educational institutions should have a written
permission from their school registrar to be presented to the CvSU Registrar. The
permit shall state the subject (s) and the total number of units the student is
allowed to cross-register and that the University shall be the venue for the course
to be registered.
For courses with pre-requisites, the cross registrant shall be required to
present an authenticated proof of equivalency of course and description of the
required course.
CvSU students who are planning to cross-register courses with other
institutions should have a written permit from their College and University
Registrars. Students planning to cross-register in other University College or
Campus shall be allowed only under the following conditions:
5.1 The course(s) to be cross-registered should have exactly the same
description as the one being offered in another college or campus
where the student plans to cross-register;
5.2 Must have written permit from their respective College Registrars and
finally the University Registrar; and
Area IV: Support to Students