Page 29 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 29

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
                             Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course                                        Program Outcomes Code
                         After completing this course, the students must be able to:     a       b       c      d       e       f      g       h       i
                    1.  disseminate the vision, and mission of the University, goals, and
                        objectives of the College, and Department;                        I      I       D      E       D       I      E       I       I
                    2.  design  and  understand  database  schema  and  learn  principles  of   D   E    E      E       I       E      D       D      D
                        database environment and database development process
                    3.  create  a  database  entity  relationship  diagram;  mapping  entity
                        relationship diagram;                                            D       E       E      E       I       E      D       D      D
                    4.  Write  and  implement  Structured  Query  Language  to  an  existing   D   E     E      E       I       E      D       D      D
                        physical database.
                        *Level :          I-Introductory         E- Enabling           D-Demonstrative
                                                                           COURSE COVERAGE
                 No. of Hours      Intended Learning                   Topic              Teaching and Learning    Resources Needed      Outcomes-based
                 Lec    Lab         Outcomes (ILO)                                            Activities (TLA)                          Assessment (OBA)
                               After the completion of the   I. Introduction                  Class Orientation      GAD Materials         Recitation of
                               chapter, students should    1. Mission, Goals and Objectives                                              Mission, Vision of
                                be able to:                2. The importance of the subject      Reflection        Students’ Handbook     the University.
                               1. Recite the mission of the   guidelines and policies.
                               university, college and     3. Gender and Development
                  2       3
                               2. Explain all the guidelines
                               and policies;
                               3. Gender awareness and
                               After the completion of the   II. Database Overview                Lecture            Reference Book     Lecture Activity:
                               chapter, students should    1. Characteristics                                                           1. Give 5 examples
                                be able to:                2. Users                              Reporting                              on how data
                               1. Identify the characters,   3. Architecture                                          Presentation      becomes
                               users and architecture of a   4. Data Models                     Discussion              Graphics        information
                               database;                        4.1 Entity-relationship model                                           2. Design an ERD
                  4       3    2. Understand data models;        4.2 Relational Model       Question and Answer        Whiteboard       for the following
                               3. Design an Entity-        5. ER model – Basic Concepts                                                 entities:
                               Relationship Diagram; and        5.1 Entity                     Brainstorming             Marker         a. Student-Teacher
                               4. Create a database and         5.2 Attributes                                                          b. Customer-Store
                               tables in it.                    5.3 Relationship            Laboratory Exercise                         c. Patient-Doctor
                                                           6. ER Diagram Representation                                                 3. Quiz
                                                           7. Generalization                    Observation

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