Page 6 - modul 1.docx
P. 6
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Cross the correct answer below!
1. When did Lisa spend her free time in London?
a. Saturday and Sunday night
b. Saturday night and Sunday morning
c. Saturday and Sunday morning
2. When did Lisa come back from her vacation?
a. On Sunday evening
b. On Sunday morning
c. On Saturday night
3. What did Lisa bring when she came back?
a. Some pictures
b. A video
c. Some laptops
4. What did Lisa visit on Saturday?
a. London eye and river Thames (correct)
b. Tower London and Big Ben
c. Buckingham Palace and Kensington Garden
5. We know that the Queen was not in Buckingham Palace by seeing...
a. Her car was not there
b. The palace was empty
c. The flag was on the top
6. What did the guards do in the palace?
a. Speaking to the tourists.
b. Checking the visitors
c. Ignoring by having intense on their duty
7. Why Lisa didn’t take a tour of the palace?
a. Lisa wanted some other places
b. Lisa wanted to go home earlier
c. Lisa did not have time
8. How long did take a trip to London?
a. A day and a half
b. Two days