Page 151 - IOM Law Society Rules Book
P. 151
(ii) a '~rincipal" is a sole practitioner, a partner in practice, a director of a recognised
body, a member of or beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body or a
recognised body;
"Property selling II means negotiating a sale for the seller or negotiating a lease or
derivation of a lease for the lessor or derivative lessor;
"Mortgage related services II
means advising on or arranging a mortgage, or
providing mortgage related financial services for a buyer;
(v) and "buyer" includes lessor and lessee and relevant derivative thereof,-
(vi) Whether a transaction is "at arm's length" will depend on the relationship between
the pal1ies and the context of the transaction, and will not necessarily follow from
the fact that a transaction is at market value, or is stated to be on arm's length
A transaction would not usually be at arm's length, for example, if the parties are:
related by blood, adoption or marriage;
the settlor of a trust and the trustees;
the trustees of a trust and the beneficiary or the beneficiary 's relatives;
personal representatives and a beneficiary;
the trustees of separate trusts for the same family;
a sole trader or partner to a limited company set up by such sole trader or
partner to enable the business to be incorporated; or
associated companies (e.g. where one is a hoLding company and the other is
its subsidiary within the meaning of the Companies Act 1931 to 1993, or both
subsidiaries of the same holding company);
"Mortgage II includes a remortgage,
'seller . . . . . . .