Page 309 - IOM Law Society Rules Book
P. 309


                    5.   Qualified  report

                    Have you found it necessary to make this report “Qualified”   No      If “No” proceed to Section 6
                                                                    Yes      If “Yes” please complete relevant boxes
                    (a)   Please indicate in the space provided any matters (other than breaches which are not material) in respect of which it
                    appears to you that the advocate(s)/recognised body(ies) has/have not complied with the provision of Parts A and B, rule 24
                    of Part C, and Part D of the Advocates’ Account Rules 2008 and, where he/she/it is/they are authorised in the conduct of
                    investment by the Isle of Man Law Society, the Isle of Man Law Society Investment Business Rules 1993.

                    (continue on an additional sheet if necessary)

                    (b)   Please indicate in the space provided any matters in respect of which you have been unable to satisfy yourself and the
                    reasons for that inability, e.g. because a client’s file is not available (continue on an additional sheet if necessary).

                    Professional body                 Firm Name
                    Firm Address

                    Note: the reporting accountant must be qualified in accordance with rule 37 of the Advocates’ Accounts Rules 2008.

                     APPENDIX 3 – Accountant’s Report Form (Rule 47)                                  page  66
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