Page 2 - TST assignment
P. 2

School context

               Context  means  the  circumstances  that  form  the  setting  for  an  event,  statement,  or
               idea,  and  in  terms  of  which  it  can  be  fully  understood.  In  this  case  we  will  be

               discussing  the  context  of  the  school  we  are  currently  at,  Phumulani  Secondary


               According  to L.T Khumalo, the school context of Phumulani Secondary school is one
               that  promotes  working  together  to  achieve  particular  goals.  Every  morning  there  is

               staff  briefings  that  every  one  of  the  staff  members  attends,  this  is  where  the
               management of the school basically delegates his teachers into different activities for

               that  day,  what  the  school  needs  to  achieve  and  other  issues  which  the  school  is
               currently facing, to run orderly so. The school also promotes collaborative teaching, it

               is  made  sure  that  everyone  in  the  staff  takes  part  in  making  the  school  a  success.

               With  regards  to  the  school  policy,  there  was  a  section  addressing  the  school
               uniform,”  I  was  impressed  by  how  the  learners  comply  to  those  regulations”,

               according  to  Khumalo  LT.  There  has  never  been  a  learner during our stay here that
               was reprimanded for uniform, that is how much these learners respect the policy and

               their uniform.

               According to N Zodala, with regards to the objectives of the school, I was impressed
               with  how  everything  was  set  out  and  is  aligned  to  the  conduct  of  the  school  on  a

               daily  basis. A lot of institutions have a Programme of Action (POA) that is set out at

               every  beginning  of  the  year,  at our stay at this school, they were transparent enough
               to  share  that  with  us  and  I  am  proud  to  say  that  we  as  student  teachers  witnessed

               that being carried put to its fullest  potential.

               According  to  S.N  Ntanzi, in terms of mentoring, I feel as though our mentor teachers

               give  us  a  platform  to  shine.  They  aid  us  with  everything  they  can  for  as  far  as  we

               need  help.  They give us enough time for lesson preparation and were fair enough to
               not  give  us  work  that  is  irrelevant.  The  staff  members  and  the  learners  as  well  are

               very  easy  to  work  with  because  everyone  is  eager  to  teach  and learn from us also.

               The  school  basically  tactically  disciplined,  in  terms  of  time  arrival  and  knock  off.
               There were issues of drugs and other substances but due to teamwork the issue was
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