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AIA Document A305™- 1986

              Contractor's Qualification Statement

             The Undersigned certifies under oath that the information provided herein is true and sufficiently complete so as not
             to be misleading.

             SUBMITIED TO:
              Ernest Edwards
              Capital Project Manager

              5851 Legacy Circle                                                      This form is approved and
              Suite #400                                                              recommended by the American
              Plano, TX 75024                                                         Institute  of Architects (AIA) and
                                                                                      The Associated General
                                                                                      Contractors of America  (AGC) for
             SUBMITIED BY:                                                            use in evaluating the qualifications
              VKW Construction, LLC                                                   of contractors.  No endorsement of
                                                                                      the submitting party or
              NAME:                                                                   verification of the information is
              Keith Wilson                                                            made by AIA or AGC.

              505  S. Madison Drive
              Tempe, AZ 85281

             PRINCIPAL OFFICE:  Listed Above

               □     Corporation

               □     Partnership

               □    Individual

               □    Joint Venture

               □X Other: LLC

              NAME OF PROJECT:

             TYPE OF WORK:  (File a separate form for each Classification of Work)

               □x  General Construction

               □  HVAC
               □    Electrical

               □    Plumbing

               □    Other: (Specify)

              AlA Document  A305™ -1986.Copyright © 1964, 1969, 1979 and 1986 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights  reserved. This
              document was created on     02/20/2018 10:08:27.
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