Page 22 - VKW Construction, LLC 01-22-18
P. 22
% of Work
Owner/ Contract Year of w/own
Project Architect Amount Completion Forces
Extended Stay Hotel #4063 - Chicago ESA Management, LLC $425,858 2016 50%
1207 E. Touhy Avenue Extended Stay Hotels
Des Plains, IL 60018
Hotel Renovations - 87 Rooms
Extended Stay Hotel #9673 - Kansas CESA Management, LLC $436,519 2016 50%
9701 N. Shannon Avenue Extended Stay Hotels
Kansas City, MO 64153
Hotel Renovations - 89 Rooms
Extended Stay Hotel #9827 - Houston ESA Management, LLC $443,536 2016 50%
720 W. Bay Area Blvd. Extended Stay Hotels
Webster, TX 77598
Hotel Renovations - 86 Rooms
Studio 6 #6029 - Albuquerque - North G6 Hospitality, LLC $686,788 2016 50%
4441 Osuna Road N.E. ABP Architects
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Hotel Renovations - 142 Rooms
InTown Suites ZAN - Six Flags InTown Suites Management, LLC $464,662 2016 50%
2211 N. Collins Street InTown Suites
Arlington, TX 76011
Hotel Renovations - 133 Rooms
InTown Suites ARL - Arlington InTown Suites Management, LLC $423,234 2016 50%
2601 S. Cooper Street InTown Suites
Arlington, TX 76105
Hotel Renovations - 121 Rooms
Intown Suites ZHW - Houston InTown Suites Management, LLC $433,508 2016 50%
14041 N.W. Freeway InTown Suites
Houston, TX 77040
Hotel Renovations - 133 Rooms