Page 23 - ATEF Catalogue 2019
P. 23

Thermal Products

                  Midweight Seamless                                           Narvic Polar

                                         Colors : Sand, Black                             Colors : Black
                                         Black Code : 15-0232-042
                                         Sand Code : 15-0232-043                          Code : 15-0232-025

                                      PRODUCT FEATURES                                PRODUCT FEATURES
                                      * Seamless product on w th seamless technology for conven ent operat on,  * IIdeal for everyday use and any act v ty,
                                      * It  s funct onal and has a neck brace and hat,  * L ghtwe ght, Flex ble, Durable,
                                      * It can be used as a beret narrowed w th the adjustable t re on the end.  * It w ll protect your neck, your mouth, your ears, your head from the cold dur ng w nter or sports.,
                                      * Ideal for everyday use and any act v ty,      * Breathable fabr c,
                                      * L ghter, Flex ble, Durable,                   * Made  n Turkey.
                                      * Made of fast dry ng m xture,
                                      * It w ll protect your neck, mouth, ears, head dur ng cold w nter days or sports.,
                                      * H gh hum d ty management and breathab l ty.
                                      * Made  n Turkey.

                              Viloft                                    Midweight Balaklava

                                       Colors : Black                                     Colors : Black
                                       Code : 15-0232-046                                 Code : 15-0232-044

                                                                                   PRODUCT FEATURES
                                                                                   * Flat-locked st tch ng, h gh hum d ty absorbent and breathab l ty prov de max mum comfort to the user,
                                                                                   * Seamless balavlava  s des gned to be worn on cold w nter days w thout helmet or helmet,
                                                                                   * H gh a r permeable spec al mesh shape was used to make breath ng eas er on the mouth.,
                                                                                   * A spec al mesh system was used to prevent hear ng  n the ear.,
                                                                                   * Made  n Turkey.
                               PRODUCT FEATURES
                               * IIdeal for everyday use and any act v ty,
                               * L ghtwe ght, Flex ble, Durable,
                               * It w ll protect your neck, your mouth, your ears, your head from the cold dur ng w nter or sports.,
                               * Breathable fabr c,
                               * Made  n Turkey.
                                     Underwear                               Viloft Balaklava

                                                                                       Colors : Black
                                   Colors : Sand, Black                                Code : 15-0232-045
                                   Sand Code : 15-0232-035
                                   Black Code : 15-0232-030
                                                                                   PRODUCT FEATURES
                                                                                   * Flat-locked st tch ng, h gh hum d ty absorbent and breathab l ty prov de max mum comfort to the user,
                                                                                   * Seamless balavlava  s des gned to be worn on cold w nter days w thout helmet or helmet,
                                                                                   * H gh a r permeable spec al mesh shape was used to make breath ng eas er on the mouth.,
                                                                                   * A spec al mesh system was used to prevent hear ng  n the ear.,
                                                                                   * Made  n Turkey.

                              PRODUCT FEATURES                              Narvic Balaklava
                              * MT-tact thermal  ns have the ab l ty to keep your body warm  n cold weather.
                              * In add t on to var ous sports act v t es,  t  s also used  n w nter espec ally  n cold cl mates.
                              * Because thermal  nter ors keep 80% of body heat  n the body, they el m nate the cold problem  n cold weather.
                              * Thermal underwear, as well as a sweat on you has the ab l ty to throw away.
                              * Therefore, when act vely exerc s ng, the sweat does not rema n  n your body,  t  s transferred to the upper layer.
                              * Cotton cloth ng as sweat wetness  f you feel, but thermal underwear w ll not have such a problem.
                              * The MT-tact thermal underwear wraps your body l ke a second sk n. Should be worn d rectly on the body.
                              * Made  n Turkey.
                                                                                               Colors : Black
                                                                                               Code : 15-0232-024

                                                                                           PRODUCT FEATURES
                                                                                           * Flat-locked st tch ng, h gh hum d ty absorbent and breathab l ty prov de max mum comfort to the user,
                                                                                           * Seamless balavlava  s des gned to be worn on cold w nter days w thout helmet or helmet,
                                                                                           * H gh a r permeable spec al mesh shape was used to make breath ng eas er on the mouth.,
                                                                                           * A spec al mesh system was used to prevent hear ng  n the ear.,
                                                                                           * Made  n Turkey.                                  Page 23          ATEF OUTDOOR reserved the r ght to chance the pr ce
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