Page 71 - ATEF Catalogue 2019
P. 71

Av Malzemeler  San. ve T c. Ltd. Şt .
            Av Malzemeler  San. ve T c. Ltd. Şt .

        ABOUT US

                    Our company, wh ch started to serve as Patsan Hunt Dealer  n Afş n  n 1984, has been
        serv ng  n K.Maraş s nce 01.01.1996 w th Kaysan S lah San. T c. Ltd. St . cont nues to operate
        w th  ts t tle. In 2014, Atef Outdoor and Hunt Mater als San. T c. Ltd. St . Our act v t es have
        cont nued w th KAYSAN and ATEF compan es.

                  ATEF Outdoor and Hunt Mater als San. T c. Ltd. St . In 2015, the Dolph n Rock brand,
        wh ch was  mported alongs de land-hunt ng mater als, also entered the market for fish ng
        equ pment. Our company  s  mport ng poultry (motor zed) and w ngless stamps w th  ts brand
        name Crazy Decoy. Our product on band also  ncludes ATEF brand a r r fle bullets, fish bullets
        and stools.

                  Sarsılmaz S lah San. ve T c A.Ş., Huğlu Shotgun Cooperat ve, UTAS Shotgun,
        EDgun A rgun, the Greenhead Gear has brought the goal of ach ev ng all hunt ng dealers
        across the d str butorsh p w th our product range, our  ncreas ng Turkey, across Turkey,
        th s goal was ach eved w th 5 market ng element .

                  ATEF Outdoor and Hunt Mater als San. T c. Ltd. St . our v s on  s to be a wholesaler of
        a lead ng hunt ng mater als that are always full of customers and customers who are filled w th
        love of hunt ng and nature and who prov de qual ty serv ces w th good qual ty.

                  "Wh ch started  ts bus ness w th the pr nc ple of" sell ng the world's standards to  ts
        customers by exam n ng the latest hunt ng techn ques and products  n global markets "
        KAYSAN S lah San. T c. Ltd. St . In the last 23 years the process has managed to become one
        of the largest prey  tems and explos ves sales company  n Turkey. Or ca N tro Explos ve
        Mater als Inc., Barutsan and Mach nery Chem cal Industry F rm.

                  The development of c v l an explos ve mater als  n 2005, dam  n the reg on, h ghway etc.
        due to the  ncrease  n construct on and m n ng affa rs and the change  n the const tut on of
        explos ves,  t has become the first sales company  n the sector by establ sh ng explos ve
        storage accord ng to the regulat ons of the M n stry of Internal Affa rs.

                  Our company, wh ch has a team of 35 people and prov des explos ve sales and techn cal
        support serv ces and  s constantly try ng to develop  tself, has cont nued  ts  nvestments  n
         nfrastructure  n parallel w th develop ng world markets.
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