Page 3 - TD19_eCase Study_The Sebel SEM
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SOLUTION                                                        FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR EXPERTISE

             Brand & non-brand keyword          high demand search terms; a core   are then made to the on/off page
             research: Extensive research into   focus being to rank above the fold   strategy based on this. This is part
             keyword trends, competitors,       (top 5 places) for keywords which   of a long term Search Engine
             consumer behavior, demand and      convert at a rate of 80% or greater.  Marketing strategy with Traff1k™
             intent. Traff1k™ D1g1tal reviews                                      D1g1tal.
             historical conversion data to      Increase website visibility (long
             identify those which are more      term strategy): With the goal to   Social media management and
             qualified to convert, delivering the   achieve position #1 in Google   marketing including targeted
             highest possible ROI.              organically, 185 factors are       posts and competitions to drive
                                                monitored on a daily basis to      engagement and fan growth.
             Initial optimisation of the website:   determine trends, demand and
             Involves aligning the website with   rankings. Tactical adjustments

                                      BOOKINGS     1

          +26.3%                    +48.8%                     +26.8%

          ROOM NIGHTS      1                                 SOCIAL TRAFFIC      2

                                                                                   1 Bookings/room nights/revenue through
                                                                                  the hotel microsite, Accor Direct Web Lever
                                                                                   Report Gross Bookings Sept 2017 vs Sept
                                                                                   2 Google Analytics, Acquisition Overview,
                                                                                   1 July – 30 September 2017 vs 1 July – 30
                                                                                                    September 2016.

                         LOCAL PROPERTY SITE REVENUE            1

        THE SEBEL BRISBANE CASE STUDY                                       CHECK OUT OUR LATEST PROJECTS
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