Page 11 - Tina Morlock - How to Avoid Slacktivism
P. 11

Go Beyond Social Media!

               While Facebook, Twitter, and online petitions are three of the most popular ways to get active
               online, the reach of the Internet does not stop there. If you want to get serious about your cause,
               there are tools and services that can assist you with quickly and easily publishing a website or a
               blog. You can also launch an email marketing campaign, use text messaging on your mobile
               phone, start an online newsletter about your cause, do research about your cause, contact
               government officials that have the power to set change into action, and much more. Slacktivists
               may see a cause on social media as a way to care about something without putting in much
               effort, but an activist sees it as a true opportunity to get involved in something that’s bigger than
               their own life. All this combined may seem overwhelming if you’re just starting your journey as
               an activist, but just like the change you seek – your influence won’t happen overnight. You can
               get started by initiating a dialogue on social media, whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, or outside
               social media, it must start somewhere before a change can be made.

                       The Internet offers several venues for dialogue and debate on policy issues. These include
                       email, newsgroups, web forums, and chat. Discussions can be confined to closed groups,
                       for example through email, as well as open to the public. Some media sites offer web
                       surfers the opportunity to comment on the latest stories and current issues and events.
                       Government officials and domain experts may be brought in to serve as catalysts for
                       discussion, debate issues, or answer questions. Discussions can even take place on web
                       sites that themselves lack facilities. (Denning 253)

               But, don’t stop at the discussion. With the power of social media, you have an opportunity to
               create awareness among others, and by doing so, fuel the fire for the cause you want to become
               active in.
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