Page 13 - Final Annual Report 2020
P. 13
CHURCH SCHOOL (PreK through Grade Eight)
Registration: 61. Average Sunday attendance: 12 (up until March 13, 2020 after that I have no real data since it
is online)
During the pandemic it has been online Sunday School. Beginning in October I offered one in person Sunday
School meeting at the end of each month, but have yet to have any child attend. I do a children’s message from
the church each Sunday morning and Janet posts my lessons online for the kids to do at their convenience.
Curriculum: SPARKHOUSE Digital Rotational model and Classroom, Augsburg Fortress, for Pre-
Kindergarten through Grade Six classes; Pre Pandemic the 7th and 8th graders participated as Shepherds for the
rotational model and are the mentors for the younger graders.
Teachers: 10 volunteer teachers in teams supported by church school friends. Currently I am organizing and
teaching all lessons remote.
Pre-pandemic we had 3 separate sections that ranged from cooking, science, music, technology, drama, and art.
Two teachers supported each section and the students were evenly divided. This provided a more robust
discussion as the group is larger. Kids rotated between the sections so they did something new each week while
learning a little bit more about the subject every time.
Orientation before each teaching session to look at schedule, logistics and curriculum pre-pandemic.
NURSERY (Infants and toddlers)
Average attendance: 1 from a pool of approximately 3.
Supervision: Adult employee of Mothers’ Helpers agency assisted by one high school student from the congregation.
**At this time due to COVID restrictions nursery operations are suspended until church resumes normally. This is
due to health and legal concerns since we employ an outside contractor for our nursery needs. We need to address
how to move forward and look at our infant numbers.
Human Sexuality from a Christian Perspective did not meet this fall since we could not accommodate the class online
per OWL guidelines for privacy reasons. We are coordinating with the Dover Church to resume the program in the
fall. Hopefully we can combine the current and next year’s 8th grade classes together.
5 confirmands met weekly with Pastor John Hudson and a confirmation team made up of Diana and Matt
Beaudet. When COVID hit we moved the classes online and even did the confirmation via Zoom so families
near and far could participate. Unfortunately, our confirmands missed the retreat experience at Grotonwood.
• SouperBowl of Caring
• Youth service to the congregation, including work assistance in church school program.