Page 64 - MML - Journal - Centenary Edition - Vol. 01 / 2023
P. 64
A Publication of Madras Masters Lodge No. 103, GLI
sound and stable building i.e., “ Society.”
Only when I was a Deacon, I could understand the meaning of the Charge after Initiation. The importance of V.S.L. is explained. I feel that Freemasonry is the most practical and useful training a man can get, to become a fit member of society. It taught me to believe in God, do justice end be truthful. It teaches us that Secrecy, Fidelity, and Obedience are essentials of human existence and practical way of life.
When I was explaining the Tracing Board, I felt that our Lodge is a world which is unique with all the good qualities necessary for a perfect existence. I felt that if we practice in the outside world the morals that are taught in the Temple every mason will be a strong pillar of support to the society in general.
The Second degree working tools explain the importance of morality, equality, justness and uprightness of our life and actions. Many times, when I was alone I used to recite the passages of working tools and tracing board of the II degree and think over it. It made me repent for my irregularities in my past and gave me the moral strength to assure myself not to do it in the future. Above all things Freemasonry has taught me patience for, until after about three or four years of my initiation I could not get the real meaning of Freemasonry. Only when I was given the opportunity to study the precious addresses to the candidates that the true meaning of Freemasonry started to trickle into my mind.
In the IIIo the passages are of very high philosophy dealing with morality and teaches us not to fear death for it is inevitable, and to face it with courage, and also informs us that our actions in this world
are always recorded by the Almighty God. We may escape punishment in this world for our misdeeds, but we are not spared in the Grand Lodge above. In this sense I could say that Freemasonry explains the essence of all religions in a very concise, palatable, and easily understandable way, provided we have the ear to hear the eye to see, the heart to understand, the mind to record and the hand to execute.
When the Lodge is closed, we meet on the level. This is not a farce. To a great extent, a majority of Masons follow this. It needs courage to meet others on the level because of one’s personal position in the outer world and worldly possessions. But a true mason must practice this virtue without hesitation or regret.
In Freemasonry many moral virtues are mentioned for us to practice. faith, hope, charity, temperance, fortitude, prudence, justice, virtue, honour, and mercy. A true mason must have faith in masonry and endeavour to build his morality with a charitable mind. He should practice temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice. All these virtues will bring Honour and God’s mercy will be showered on a Freemason when he proves himself a true Freemason.
Freemasonry to me is a great science and religion which cannot be practiced all at a time; nor can it change one into a perfect Freemason overnight. Hence, we have many regular steps in the rituals which inform us that perfection could be reached only step by step when continuously pursued. Masonry teaches us that keen observation and regular practice alone helps one to achieve perfection. In the short period of my masonic career these are the few points I could learn and remember to express.
Madras Masonic Journal Vol. 01 / 2023 - Centenary Year Edition