Page 52 - Q4 Oilservers Newsletter
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DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17 DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17
These are examples of risk normalization, a • Pressure to reduce costs, or lack of resources (e.g.
phenomenon where risky or dangerous behaviors or human and capital) required to perform work safely
practices gradually become acceptable over time. • Poor company safety culture.
• Complacency, indiscipline or conscious decision
Do you still exercise RISK NORMALIZATION OR NORMALIZATION OF by employees to ignore safe working procedures
the same level of DEVIANCE EXAMPLES:
caution? Or do you Risk normalization is common at workplaces. HOW CAN WE PREVENT RISK NORMALIZATION
change lanes DEVIANCE IS A STATE OF MIND OR SITUATION IN Leadership by example.
abruptly, drive NORMALIZATION WHICH: • Attitudinal changes.
closely to the vehicle Friday Osuidia • There is a gradual process through which • Ensuring that all required resources for implementing
in front of you, or QHSE Coordinator, risky/dangerous practices or conditions become the HSE system are provided;
even use your cell Oilserv Limited. acceptable over time. • Always looking out for hazards, assessing potential
phone? • We make a conscious decision to accept risks that risk and implementing controls;
were not originally acceptable; • Following safe working procedures every time and
• Risk-taking behavior becomes the standard; rejecting unsafe work;
• We get used to risky situations because we see • Identifying unsafe behaviors in the work place and
• Understand what is risk. Hazard: something that could potentially cause harm.
them every day; and make interventions;
• Understand what risk normalization is. Risk: the degree of likelihood that harm will be caused.
• Workplace safeguards are routinely bypassed • Building a culture of communication, honesty and
• Understand the need to be consciously aware the In short, a hazard can cause harm. Risk is how likely
without authorization. continuous improvement; and
of risk and the potential consequences. it is to do so.
• Workers who were careful and precise when they • Promoting the OSL HSE Culture from senior
• Understand how to recognize the signs of risk
first start their jobs start acting unsafely over time management to every employee in the company.
normalization and then consciously think about INTRODUCTION:
• Stop wearing certain personal protective • Make training a priority. Ensuring that workers are
them. Think back to when you were learning how to drive a
equipment (PPE) while at work. properly trained will help reduce risk normalization
• Identify some risks that people feel have been car. You were cautious, always using turn signals, fully
• Not using equipment as intended. because it can break bad habits before they start.
normalized at work or home and actions that could stopping at all stop signs and traffic lights, and obeying
• Don’t follow all safety rules and procedures at • Conduct Regular Inspection: Regular inspections
be taken to change them. the speed limit. Now think about your driving recently.
work. are an important part of reducing risk normalization.
Are you like the pictures shown here?
• Empower employees to speak up: You can’t be
SIGNS OF RISK NORMALIZATION: everywhere at once, so it’s possible risk normalization
What is Risk?
• Inadequate resources in the workplace e.g. is happening out of your line of sight. In this case,
Is the chance or probability that a person
employee shortages or inadequate tools and PPE; other employees are privy to rules being broken, so
will be harmed or experience an adverse
• Regular occurrence of incidents related to poor you need them to say something.
health effect if exposed to a hazard. It may
behavior or lack of resources;
also apply to situations with property or
• Machinery, tools, equipment, or vehicles not CONCLUSION:
equipment loss, or harmful effects on the
maintained or regularly serviced as required; Being aware of this issue and actively working to
• A workplace culture where employees cannot fight it is an important way to keep our workplace and
In simple terms, risk is the possibility of
speak out about unsafe work; personnel safe.
something bad happening.
• Workers lacking understanding of basic safe work Do not fall into the trap of risk Normalization. Let avoid
procedures it!
• Poor responsibility and accountability for safety
From the word Normal. Meaning, as usual,
within management QUESTIONS?
regular, typical etc. Therefore, Normalization
What risk are you normalizing in your workplace?
is the process of bringing or returning
WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF RISK What are you going to do differently to tackle risk
something to a normal condition or state.
NORMALIZATION? normalization after this presentation?
• Accepting an unsafe situation because they have What weak signals are we seeing that we need to pay
Risk Normalization? The gradual process
not caused an incident before more attention to?
through which risky/dangerous practices or conditions Do you still exercise the same level of caution? Or do
• Taking shortcuts or speeding up work to try and be How can we see with fresh eyes again?
become acceptable over time. For example: routinely you sometimes speed, change lanes abruptly, drive
efficient or meet deadlines
drive close to the vehicle in front. Using knives for closely to the vehicle in front of you, or even use your
• Workplace dilemmas/predicament where doing the
various tasks where something else may be more cell phone?
right thing may mean going against superiors/site
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