Page 5 - 2018-2019 Directory
P. 5

       Tom Adler, Owner
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We are a unique minority group as We include all races, religions and political persuasions. There is not another group in this country or, for that matter, the world who can attest to that. We are a minority group that is invisible to the masses.
I am proud to be a part of a collective, unique minority. When you grow up in a small town of 2000 people (where everyone knows your name) as I did, you automatically assume there is no one like you anywhere. Knowledge is power; exposure breaks down myths. This Directory, in a small but effective way, shows who We are without reservation or restriction. It gives Us the resources to use Our POWER. Support businesses that support Us. Without them we wouldn’t have this connection vehicle, (GLPages. com). We know our Advertisers will continue to provide outstanding quality, service, price, and convenience to Our Community.
In order to continue the gains in Our civil rights that We have made, stay involved in politics and contact your representatives on issues that affect Us at 202-224-3121.
One of the biggest issues facing our community and our country is money in our political system. The race shouldn’t go to the person with the most money. The race should go to the person who helps “We The People” the most. After all Government means “We The People”
I would like to thank the people who have been instrumental in this Directory.
First, I thank my Husband Mark whom I love very much for his love and patience. Thank you to Tim, Debbie, Val, Jonathan for their support in putting this Directory together.
Most of all I thank the Users and Advertisers of this Directory. We have seen many changes in our community over the years but without You this book would not be possible. We know you have other choices when purchasing products or services and we appreciate you still supporting Gay Owned and Gay friendly business in over all others when making your purchasing decision.
I would like to dedicate this edition to my Dad who passed away November 25, 2017 for his support in regards to my sexual orientation and also to all the LGBTQ people who have and will continue to come out of the closet on a daily basis to show everyone that they do not need to fear Us. This is what has moved Our Community forward in LGBTQ civil rights.
To the Straight Community: Keep getting to know someone in Our Community. Equality is a measure for which We should all strive. We must never stay silent and we must be involved in the things that matter to Us all.
We must #RESIST and Defend the rights we have worked so hard to achieve especially during this unsure political environment. Stay Active don’t get apathetic.
Please call one of Our comment lines at 1-866-718-GAYS or 1-877-718 LESBIANS. Your feedback is priceless. This is YOUR book!
We are a T.E.A.M. Together Each Achieves More.
Tom Adler
Publisher and Owner

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