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03     A  MESSAGE  FROM  THE                               Tropical Infectious Diseases Research

                  DEPUTY DEAN                                         and Education Centre (TIDREC):
                                                                      The leading one-stop research and
                                                                      education centre for tropical infectious
           04     OUR PEOPLE OUR STORY                                diseases in Malaysia

                  Professor Dr. Christina Tan Phoay Lay:
                  Our  beloved  family  medicine  specialist,         Animal experimentation on drugs and
                  medical educator and life-long Learner              brains

                  Professor Dr. Maznah Dahlui:                        F From genes to fangs:
                  W Women’s    Empowerment:      Economic             Unraveling the secrets of snake venoms
                  Evaluation for Health Advocacy and Informed
                  Policy                                      16      INNOVATION
                                                                      Medical Biotechnology Laboratory
                  Professor Dr. Ng Kwan Hoong:                        (MBL) towards international
                  Firstirst  Medical  Physicist  from  a  developing
                  F                                                   recognition:
                  country    to    receive    the    Marie            MS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accreditation
                  Sklodowska-Curie    Award     from    the
                  International  Organization  for  Medical
                                                                      SCIENCE CAFECIENCE CAFE
                  Physics                                     17      S
                                                                      Ageing and Regeneration Medicine
           07     CONNECT THE WORLD                                   (ARM) Research Thrust

                  Bridgingridging  health  and  ICT  to  improve
                  healthcare:  The  University  of  Malaya            Infectious Diseases and Immunity
                  eHealth Initiative (UMeHI)                          Research Thrust

           09     RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT                                  Cancer and Drug Discovery Research
                  Clinical Investigation Centre (CIC):
                  A World-Leading Prime Site for Clinical
                                                                      UPCOMING EVEPCOMING EVENTS
                  Trials in Malaysia                          20      U

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