Page 36 - Q4_2021_Corp Newsletter
P. 36


                                                                        lectronic devices are everywhere                            very hazardous event. The fire itself can reach temperatures of 1000°F. The resulting fire is best extinguished with a
                                                                                                                                    Class B fire extinguisher, but you should never attempt to put the fire out by throwing water on the fire or trying to
                                                                        these days. Laptops, cell phones,
                                                                                                                                    stomp the fire out. In addition to the fire, the burning battery emits toxic fumes, mainly Hydrogen Flouride gas.
                                                                 E tablets, hotspots, handheld gaming
                                                                                                                                    It is vitally important for your safety that you do not attempt to replace a damaged battery on your own or make
                                                                  consoles, and electric cars, and these                            any attempt to reduce the swelling in your battery by puncturing the battery envelope. Puncturing a swollen
                                                                  devices all share one thing in common:                            battery can cause a short, which will result in a fire. Our utmost concern is your safety with these devices.
                                                                  they rely on Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
                                                                                                                                   What to do if you have a swollen battery
                                                                  batteries to run. The advent of Li-Ion
                                                                  batteries in 1991 has undoubtedly                                If you have a damaged or swollen battery device, please follow the
                                                                                                                                   guidelines below to have your battery replaced by a technician.
                                                                  changed the world of electronics.
                                                                                                                                     1.   Discontinue use immediately If you notice the case on

                                                                  Li-ion batteries have a very high
                                                                                                                                        your device swelling or opening at the seams.
                                                                  energy density, no memory effect,
                                                                                                                                     2.   Send an email to Rosendin’s Helpdesk (support@
                                                                  charge quickly, and store their charge
                                                                                                                               with the subject of “Swollen Battery,”
                                                                  for a long time compared to other                                     and someone will get back to you promptly.
                                                                  battery types. They have one drawback;
                                                                                                                                     3.   Call the Helpdesk (1-844-REI-HELP) and inform them specifically
                                                                  they can prove a safety hazard because                                that you have a swollen battery. They will contact your local
                                                                                                                                        IT technician and submit a ticket for them right away. Your
                                                                  they contain flammable electrolytes.
                                                                                                                                        local technician will reach out to you as soon as they can.
                                                                  Li-ion batteries generate heat during charging and                 4.   Make sure your computer is powered off and not plugged
                                                                  discharging. When the heat generated exceeds the                      into a docking station or power cable. It’s critical that a
                                                                  normal tolerances for the device, damage to the battery               damaged battery no longer be charged. Doing so can cause
                                                                  can occur. Once a Li-Ion battery is damaged, the                      the battery to undergo further damage resulting in a fire.
                                                                  electrolytes inside the battery can break down into its
                                                                                                                                     5.   Your local technician will either replace the battery or provide a
                                                                  basic components, and gas starts to build. A short within             loaner computer depending on replacement battery availability.
             DAMAGED                                              the battery can cause the electrolyte and the built-up
                                                                  gas to combust, leading to a battery fire or explosion.
                                                                                                                                   What to do in the event of a battery fire
        LITHIUM-ION                                               How to tell if a Li-Ion Battery                                  In the event of a fire, it is vital that you consistently back up your laptop

                                                                                                                                   data. OneDrive is an excellent tool for this where you can easily back up
                                                                  is damaged
                                                                                                                                   your desktop and document folder. The IT Helpdesk can help you with the
                                                                                                                                   process. Take some time to know where your fire extinguishers are located
                BATTERY                                           Li-Ion batteries are, on the whole, very safe to use.            in each of your offices and project sites. If you do not have a Class B fire
                                                                  It’s when they become damaged that they can
                                                                  become dangerous. The most significant indicator                 extinguisher, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local safety manager.
                                                                  of damage is battery swelling. Once a Li-Ion battery             If you do have a device that experiences a fire, here’s what to do:
                  SAFETY                                          begins to swell, it is damaged, and its usage needs to           1.   If your device starts smoking, and you can do so safely, pull
                                                                  be discontinued immediately. When a battery swells,
                                                                  it usually will break the external case on the laptop              any power connections from the system and get the computer
                                                                                                                                     or device on the floor clear of flammable material.
                                                                  or electronic device. Once you see this indicator on a
                                                                  computer or device you’re using, it’s crucial to reach out       2.   Use a Class B fire extinguisher and extinguish the fire based on the instructions.
                                                                  immediately to your local technician for a replacement.
                                                                                                                                        •  DO NOT attempt to stomp on the device to extinguish the fire.
                                                                  A loaner device will be on hand or prepared for you,
                        ARTICLE BY                                or the affected battery will be replaced right away.                  •  DO NOT use water or any other liquid to attempt to put out the fire.
                   PETER JOLLY                                    We have recently had a Li-Ion battery fire here at                    •   DO NOT handle the device once it is on fire. Find something to

                     IT HELPDESK MANAGER                          Rosendin. As a result of this event, we have put in                  sweep the laptop or device to the floor if it’s not already there.
                                                                  place safety measures and replacement guidelines
                                                                                                                                   3.   Call 911 immediately, and evacuate yourself and others, so you are clear
                                                                  for these damaged batteries. Within each region
                                                                                                                                     of the smoke from the fire. The smoke contains toxic chemicals.
                                                                  where we have a technician, we are designating
                                                                  an area that is safe for these battery replacements              4.   Stay safe and clear of the area until the fire department clears a return to the
                                                                  to occur. A Li-Ion battery fire or explosion is a                  space. Laptops, cell phones, and other things can be replaced. People cannot. 

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