Page 24 - Q2 2021 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
P. 24


                                                                                                                                                          Jan 26, 2021                               Aug 4, 2020

                                                                       Ready for Deployment

                                                                                       By Jad Chalhoub, PhD
                                                                       BIM Technology Implementation Lead

                                                             he BIM Innovation Group (BIG) is a dedicated
                                                             group within the Building Information Modeling
                                                      T (BIM) department at Rosendin. The BIG seeks
                                                      solutions through internal development and strategic
                                                      partnerships to enhance the company’s operations.
                                                      One of its latest partnerships is with OpenSpace, a

                                                      company that developed a solution for job site photo
                                                      documentation capture and archiving.                                                                          The OpenSpace screenshot above shows a
                                                                                                                                                                    project in the same location on different dates
                                                                                                                                                                    so you can see progress, equipment placement
                                                                                                                                                                    and much more.

                                            OpenSpace is         walk using a smartphone or via the web portal, the
                                           reality capture       ability to upload a coordinated BIM to compare what’s                                                 The map shows both the path walked
                                          software that          constructed to what was visually planned, and integrate                                               within the floorplan as well as the exact
                                        automatically links      with other third-party software, such as Revizto. Future                                              location of the images shown.
                                      360-degree photos to       tools will also enable smart image recognition and
                                   the site’s floor plans using   machine learning to support material quantification
                               Artificial Intelligence (AI). A user   and advanced image-based search.
                          attaches a 360-degree camera to their
          hardhat and walks the construction site while the camera   The first OpenSpace pilot was initiated one year ago          Some observed benefits across currently active projects include:
          automatically records and spatially tags images. Through   on a project site around San Jose, CA. In the first few
          a web portal, the user can see the path walked and pan   weeks, the project team found numerous benefits
          around any point captured within the job site. After   to using OpenSpace, which led them to increase the                Historical Access                                       Automated Reports
          completing several field walks, the user can also initiate   capture frequency from twice weekly to daily. Building      By having a recurring capture of the project, the teams   One important feature that OpenSpace offers is the ability
          side-by-side comparisons in the same place across      on that success, OpenSpace was piloted on three more              could go back in time to determine when a specific task   for users to generate automatic reports. Each report page
          different dates, effectively documenting a photographic   project sites and, since the beginning of 2021, has been       was started or completed, have detailed access to hidden   includes an image, a location with orientation on the
          proof of work.                                         introduced into operation on seven more projects.                 elements (in-wall or underground), and better information   floorplan, the date when the image was taken, and the
                                                                 Moving forward, Rosendin has the ability to expand
          Additional features in the software include the ability   the usage of OpenSpace to every current active project         in case of dispute with other stakeholders on the job site.   date the report was generated. These automatic reports
                                                                                                                                   Furthermore, by increasing the frequency of the captures,
                                                                                                                                                                                           are helpful to communicate with the General Contractor
          to add field notes to the captures, either during the   through an enterprise agreement.
                                                                                                                                   project teams could get an even more detailed account of   and other stakeholders. These reports could also support
                                                                                                                                   events on the project.                                  daily tasks, such as creating status reports or estimating
                                                     How It Works                                                                                                                          installed quantities.
                                                                                                                                   Remote Access
                                                                                                                                                                                           Fully Operational
                                                                                                                                   Job site access by non-essential personnel is challenging
                                                                                                                                   and has become even more difficult due to the COVID-19   OpenSpace is now fully vetted out and operational across
                                                                                                                                   pandemic. As we are all getting back to how the world   the entirety of Rosendin. The BIM Innovation Group is
                                                                                                                                   operated pre-pandemic, OpenSpace allows anyone with     ready to support and train any project teams interested in
                                                                                                                                   access to view the job’s current state and get detailed   using OpenSpace on their projects.
                                                                                                                                   views of specific areas. In turn, this increases collaboration
                     Capture and document            Images automatically             Simple interactive                                                                                   For more information or to start implementing OpenSpace,
                     your project in minutes           mapped to plans               viewing and AI tools                          between the different Rosendin teams working throughout
                                                                                                                                   the U.S., be it from home or offices across the country.  please contact

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                       OpenSpace BIM Viewer allows you to see 360 photo captures side-by-side against 3D BIM models.

                             OpenSpace has afforded our teams the opportunity to coordinate through spatial walk-
                             throughs on demand, and even to coordinate with other sites for the same customer to
                             compare installation methods.

                             Additionally, our out-of-town owners have appreciated the visibility to review, in a
                             walkthrough format, progress photos between trips to the site. We have just scratched the
                             surface of the tools and opportunities that OpenSpace offers, such as tracking equipment
                             and BIM integration, but already this tool has improved our operation.
                             Chad Constance
                             Project Executive, Rosendin

                                       Ready to use OpenSpace on your next project?
                                   Email to get started today.
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