Page 12 - Q1 2022 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
P. 12



      The 2022 Women In Construction (WIC) Week was held March 6 - 12. WIC Week is a time to celebrate,
      educate, and promote the role of women in the construction industry. The National Association of

      Women in Construction (NAWIC) began the tradition in 1998, and has expanded each year since. This
      year’s WIC Week theme was “Envision Equity,” an opportunity to raise awareness around the many
      opportunities available to women in the construction industry.

            osendin honors the many          In Northern California, teams          of women leaders ot collaborate
            women in diverse roles around    participated in the McCarthy Build     and mentor emerging women leaders.
      Rthe company, whether she is           Construction 101 event to educate the   Senator Janeen Sollman was a
      an apprentice on a job site, project   next generation of women about the     featured guest at the event.
      manager, safety professional, part of   many opportunities in construction.
      our business development team, an                                             The Northern Virginia team
      engineer, or a Senior Vice President.   Office celebrations included an       participated in an International
      Rosendin’s CEO, Mike Greenawalt,       office mixer at Top Golf in San Jose   Women's Day lunch and learn
      and Vice President of Quality and      and a special burrito breakfast in the    event hosted by Hensel Phelps that
      Training, Stephanie Roldan, had a      Tempe office.                          featured a presentation from Angie
      candid conversation about how things   Rosendin Marketing Director,           Simon, President of Western Allied
      have changed for women in the          Salina Brown, and The Rosendin         Mechanical, and sponsored by the
      construction industry and how equity   Foundation President, Jolsna Thomas,   SMACNA4201 Western Washington
      helps both men and women succeed.                                             Chapter.
                                             sat on "The Value of Organizational
      Rosendin is dedicated to envisioning   Change" speaker panel for an SMPS
      equity in our industry. During WIC     virtual event.
      Week Rosendin’s teams celebrated       Rosendin's Oregon team sponsored
      with different events and partners to   the Washington County Women's
      uplift women in our industry.
                                             Conference bringing together a forum

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