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Major Factors Determining
Hotel Standards
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and one person’s esthetic perfection might be another
person’s esthetic nightmare. So how and what is considered when determining a hotel’s
star rating? What questions are asked and who does the asking? There are major factors
to consider for each hotel and resort.
Onsite inspections are conducted by both a Construction of the physical structure must
central and regional unit from the Thailand Hotel be taken into account. Can unauthorized individ-
Standard. Each inspection is conducted by no less uals gain access to rooms without passing through
than 4 persons representing a minimum of three a public space? Are elevators secure? Are there
สำ�หรับตรวจ (รอแก้ไข)
organizations. The criteria for standards have been adequate safety facilities such as fire alarms, fire
approved by the Thailand Hotel Standard Task exits, sprinkler systems and guards? Facilities and
service are what hotels and resorts are all about.
The inspecting units will first consider then Will a dining experience be comfortable and es-
general physical aspects of the property. Is this a thetically pleasing as well as offering great food?
site that is easy to find and requires a minimum Are accommodations made for special diets? Do
of travel time from a point of entry, i.e. airport, the rooms feature amenities and pleasant/ stylish
train station, etc.? Are the surroundings conducive décor or are they merely functional? What other
to a pleasant stay? Factors such as noise and air services are provided? Valet parking? Fitness cen-
pollution must be considered as does standing/ ter? Concierge service? Swimming pool? Are the
stagnant water, grounds and access to public facilities child friendly? Are there babysitting ser-
transport. vices? What technology services are supplied?
Wi-fi ? Free Internet? Is there a choice of dining
venues? Is there a bar/lounge? Often the first im-
pression a tourist has of a hotel or resort is the
doorman. Is the staff courteous, helpful and
friendly? Does the staff speak a variety of languag-
es to accommodate international travelers? Are
tourists to Thailand truly experiencing “The Land
of Smiles”? Cleanliness and hygiene cannot be
over emphasized.
It is not enough to achieve a star rating, it
must also be maintained. Continued staff training
and evaluation along with efficiency in manage-
ment and resources are a priority. One of the
major goals of Thailand Hotel Standard is sustain-
able growth in the hotel industry. The environment
matters in today’s global world.
Thailand Standard Hotels 23 Directory 2021