Page 36 - Kinney Realty Relocation Sponsor Booklet_Albuquerque_New_Mexico
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KINNEY REALTY GUIDE TO ALBUQUERQUE                                                                              KINNEY REALTY GUIDE TO ALBUQUERQUE

                                                BE PREPARED                                                                                              THE LIVINGSTONS

                             THESE THINGS WILL MOST

                                                                                                                                                  I cherish all of my clients and loved helping The Livingston Family find their home.
                                             LIKELY HAPPEN

                       - You will not be told how much money to bring   transaction. They wil negotiate the purchase                                                                      “Kiva has the knowledge, patience
                       to closing until the day of your closing and many  price, the inspections and potentially the                                                                      and drive to work with military
                       times only hours or minutes before the closing.  appraisal                                                                                                         families, who deal with many
                                                                                                                                                                                          stresses on each move. We cannot
                       - The dates on your contract will change, perhaps  - You will want to tell your friends and family                                                                 recommend her enough!"
                       multiple times                                  about your experience on social media sites...
                                                                       Don’t Do It!
                       - You will become anxious or nervous
                       - You will become irritated or annoyed about    - The Mortgage company will most likely pull
                       frequent and last minute paperwork requests     another credit report on you days before or
                       with seemingly impossible deadlines             even the day of your closing. Don’t make any
                                                                       purchases until AFTER signing!
                       - The seller will negotiate 2-5 times on this

                                    I AM WORKING HARD

                                                      FOR YOU!

                                     PLEASE ASK ME ANY

                           QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE

                                                                                                                                        oving is difficult enough, but moving  helpful. Once we had decided on one of the
                                                            portion of the proceeds of each transaction is donated                      overseas creates a whole new set of fears  beautiful  homes  on  offer,  she  helped  us  with  the
                                                            to Sunshine Kids. The Sunshine Kids Foundation adds                 Mand anxiety. We had no idea where to start  required inspections and she took our friends on
                                                      A quality of life to children with cancer by providing                    and having to start house hunting in Albuquerque  tours of potential properties to include the one we
                                                      them with exciting, positive group activities, so they may                while we were still in England was especially  selected. Kiva alleviated many of our anxieties with
                                                      once again do what kids are meant to do . . . have fun and                daunting.  Kiva jumped in head first tirelessly working  her prompt responses, and unbelievable work ethic.
                                                      celebrate life! Funded by personal contributions, corporations            to show us house after house while listening to our
                                                      and foundations, the Sunshine Kids continues, as it has since             requests and dealing with a 7 hr time difference.
                                                      its inception, to provide all of its activities completely free of                                                                iva has the knowledge, patience and
                                                      charge to the children and their families.                                     he sent us dozens of houses to look at, and        drive to work with military families,
                                                                                                                                     was patient as we occasionally missed a
                                                      WE ALL NEED A LITTLE SUNSHINE!                                                                                              Kwho deal with many stresses on each
                                                                                                                                Sdeadline or two (oops!) Her taking the time to   move.  We cannot recommend her enough!
                                                                                                                                record virtual tours of various houses was especially
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