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P. 168

Chapter 4 - Managing Files and Folders

               When you leave all your books on your desk, the desk becomes messy, unless
               you make an effort to stay organized by putting them in your bag. In order to
               understand file and folder management, you need to understand how your
               computer stores information. Filing cabinets store information in files, which
               are organized and grouped in folders and kept in big drawers in disk drive.

               Disk Drives

               A disk drive is the part of the computer that reads and writes information onto
               disks. There are four main types of disks/drives computers used to store their
               information. These are:
                          Floppy Disk: Floppy disks are the square plastic thing that can't hold
                          information, but they're ideal for moving small files, such as word
                          processing documents between computers. It is in drive 'A' or 'B' and

                          it has a capacity of 1.44 MB.
                          Hard Disk: Your computer's hard disk is its main filing cabinet where
                          it stores almost all of its programs and files. It's on Drive 'C' and it has
                          a capacity of over 4 GB.
                          CD-ROM: Compact disks or CD-ROMs look like the audio discs you
                          play in your stereo. CD-ROMs are cheap and they can store a lot of
                          information, which is why they're used to install software for games

                          and programs with a lot of multimedia. It's in drive 'D' or above and
                          has a capacity of over 600 MB.
                          Removable Drive: Removable storage drive has features of both hard
                          disks and floppy disks and is almost as fast as a hard drive. It is located
                          in the drive 'E' or above'. It can contain over a 100 MB of data.

               Using My Computer to See What's in Your Computer
                        1.  Double-click the My Computer icon on the Windows Desktop

                            displays the contents of your computer.
                        2.  Double-click a disk drive in the My Computer window to display the
                            disk drive's contents.
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